♠ The ( 6th ) Letter - Open When It's June ♠

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◘ Dedicated to everyone who read, voted or commented on this book. I LOVE YOU :* 

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                                         " Everything in life is luck."

                                                  - Donald Trump 

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                            ♠ The ( 6th ) Letter - Open When It's June ♠

"You are here again." Julie grinned tossing a small rock into Mary's Lake as she and Robin sat on an old wooden bench near it. 

"I guess I am." Robin paused, picking one of the many rocks scattered everywhere around the old oak tree. "I'm here because of him." 

Julie nodded gazing at Robin. "What ?" Robin gave her a weary smile. 

"Did you read the letters ?" Julie questioned.

"I did read some of them." She swallowed hard, turning her gaze to the lake. "I prefer we not talk about it, okay ?!" She added, swallowing. Again. 

Julie shrugged with an unreadable expression on her childish face. "Anyway, are you still seeing Cory ?!" She pursed her pink thin lips. 

Robin looked at her, her eyes widened and her jaw almost dropped. "Why are you asking ?" She replied with another question. 

Shrugging, Julie replied. "Forget it, it was just a question." 


"I do really have to go now, I have to study, mo-" Robin cut her off, smirking. "It's okay, you can go, see you around ?" 

"Sure" She nodded jogging back home. 

As soon as she left, Robin took out the sixth letter out of her purse. She took a deep breath before she started to read. 

"Dear Sunshine, 

           Sunshine. Though you shine brighter than the sun itself.  Anything on the surface of any planet in this galaxy comes at the second place if I compared it to you, Robin. I seem to be in a good mood, huh ?! Well, perhaps because the local radio station is playing one of my all-time-favorite songs. The Beatles hit, "Hey Jude". Or probably because I'm thinking of you. 

This is cheesy, but I swear that I thank the lord every night before I close my eyelids for still having you in my life. For not losing you that day. I made a move, but Cory's move preceded mine. I don't blame you for going to the prom with him, I only blame myself for arriving late at the station, after the train has already left it. I spent that night wandering the narrow streets of Mary-Falls, kicking whatever was in my way. I was so furious, that my rage wave would have destroyed enormous number of  towns like an angry tsunami. 

But then when I got home, and to my surprise, you were standing at your front porch. The whole place were wearing the dark night coat. The silver moon light only fell on you. You were like a shining pearl at the bottom of an ocean. Like the only real sparkling diamond among billions of fake ones. For minutes, I thought that you were actually the light that the moon reflects at night. 

I paced like a three years old little kid to you. A flood of feelings hit me, but I survived it. I wish I could survive it every single time I lay my eyes on you. 

I asked you if you were scared of darkness, but you said no. I said "How about coldness ?" You said no, again. You said that what scare the hell out of you aren't the things most people are scared of. You looked at me, your gaze met mine. At that moment, I realized that the electric current don't just exist in my physics book or in electric wires as I felt a flow of electric charges racing within my veins. 

I asked you if it's the future what scares you. You said that fire truck and ambulance horns are what scares you the most. Because they inform you that somewhere, someone's future will never happen, their present will stop happening and their past will be forgotten. I looked at you for what felt like ages, not able to even blink. I didn't really know what to say. You were right, you were so right. You were right and beautiful. The alphabets escaped my mind, but the letters, R, O, B, I and N. 

Everything you say is so right, everything you do is perfectly right, everything with you feels so right and beautiful. Every time I get to talk to you, -which is everyday-, another side of you appears. Everyday a shell breaks revealing the beautiful soul of yours. I envy your soul-mate. The one who was meant for you. 

I need to end this letter now before I forget how to breathe. 

                                                       The Guy Next Door 


◘ Done. Please, tell me what do you think and vote if you liked this chapter. 

◘ Another character will appear in the next few chapters, guess who ?! :) x

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