Weird Things He Does

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Dean- He secretly loves the Notebook, and when you catch him watching \crying over it, he freaks out like you caught him on!!!!

Sam- He reads Supernatural fanfiction and thinks no one knows, but everyone knows about that and the SPN chat rooms he goes to, trolling and correcting the fans who get something wrong.

Castiel- He likes when you do his nails, because they look so perfect and shiny and smooth, he'll obsess for a week over it. You thought you broke him when you introduced him to colored nail polish.

Crowley- He refuses to touch people/demon's feet when he tortures them, you have no idea why.

Gabriel- He always insists that you wear at least one item of his clothing at all times. Whether it be a shirt, socks, shoes, a tie, or even a pair of his boxers! (I think that's actually fucking adorable)

Balthazar- He has a collection of things he's stolen from his favorite TV shows movies, and fandoms. He even stole one of the props from 'Supernatural; The Musical!', it's between Harrison Ford's hat from Indiana Jones and Ferris Beuller's sunglasses.

Lucifer- He gets flaming mad when you 'misrepresent' hell, or something. You're too busy thinking about how cute he is when he's mad, and how he's a pussy for getting all uppity about mispronouncing one of his brother's names. I mean, calm the fuck down, Luci... You still love him

Kevin- He folds his tips into origami things at restaurants.

Benny- He puts hot sauce on his watermelon. Who the fuck does that?!

Chuck- He wants you to call him every day at 11:11 so he can make a wish with you. Under dire circumstances, 1:11, 2:22, or any derivative of that will make an acceptable substitute.

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