DeanXReader; Teen Wolf crossover!

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Dedicated to SelenaWinchester1432

  You pick up the still warm russian cigar butt that indicates that Dmitri and his small, yet animalistic pack just passed through here, not ten minutes ago.

  You smell the cigar, easily picking up the scent of the douche you and your twin brother, Theo, have been trying to take down for years, ever since he decided to pull a Hitler on all the True Alphas. Jealous prick. You sigh, looking down the dark alley where Theo is leaning against the wall, smiling at some girl with his toothy grin. Dear Lord, that face would scare the hell out of most of those human girls, at least the ones who aren't drunk. Imagine seeing that AND knowing he's a freaking werewolf! But, he's your brother and you love him.

  You half jog over to Theo, grabbing his ear, which he hates, "Theo, I've got it! Get your pedophile ass rolling!"

  He scoffs, "I'm not a pedophile! I'm still in highschool, dumb ass!"

  You sigh, "Yeah, but you have a real ID, and hers is as fake as my social life! Just come on, before I lose the trail..."

  You turn and start running back down the alley, ignoring Theo's agonized sigh as he catches up with ease.

*ten minute time skip brought to you by Dean screaming at a cat*

  The trail comes to an end, at an abandoned warehouse. Theo snorts quietly, "Clichéd, creepy old warehouse, a little theatrical for Dmitri, don't you think? Although you never can tell with him... I'll take the back, be on your toes for the European tag team..."

  You barely nod as he runs silently to the back. You watch him for a second, then creep over to the door, thanking God the wind is in your favor. The thing about you and you're brother; you're never ones to back down to a challenge, especially when you've got the element of surprise. Obviously the demented pack was in town for something else, because you followed them here. But what was it?

  That same determination and grit is what drives you to simply walk through the front door without hesitation, staying quiet to maintain the upper hand. Catching Theo's almost glowing eyes in the deep shadows against the other wall, you point towards the scaffolding that climbs up and all through the building. He nods, and becomes nearly invisible in the shadows. You begin to gingerly and silently climb the scaffolding, turning your attention to the scene you had missed when you first entered.

  There's Dmitri's small pack of five, minus himself. They're circling around a couple human guys that are tied up and half conscious. Wolf hunters, from the looks of it. The shorter one wakes up first. He has amazing green eyes, that are flashing and pulsing in anticipation, he's definitely aware.

  His jaw is set as he looks around, but when he speaks, there's ease and a ballsy casualness that you immediately find admirable, "Well, if it isn't the A-Team; fangs of fury! You okay there, Sammy?"

  He addresses the last part to the taller, almost equally attractive man next to him. 'Sammy' nods, and you catch a small movement that no one else seems to see; they're both working expertly against their restraints.

  Dmitri emerges from the shadows, and it's all you can do to restrain yourself as he speaks in his cocky, russian-inflected voice that drips with confidence, "Ah, the famed Winchester's! I've heard of you, through the wolf grapevine, or however you American's would put it. Apparently, you're a force to be reckoned with... But fellows, all I see in front of me is two half drugged brothers who look like they just got rejected by an Aeropostale in Texas... What makes you so fearsome?"

  The shorter one gives Dmitri a wide grin, "Well personally, I play a pretty mean harmonica, and Sam here... Well you don't want to cross him come knitting season..."

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