DeanxEllise; A Day In The Bunker

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Dedicated to _little_red_13  cause you're fucking awesome and shit *gif*

  I wake up next to Dean, and look at the alarm clock. 5:00 AM. Jesus. It's like my body just decided, lol, what are you talking about, sleep?! Sighing at Dean, sleeping like a baby, I get up and shuffle into the bathroom, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

  I get in the shower, taking care not to get my curly ass hair wet, or else I'll be trying to run a brush through it all morning. Then I get out out and dry off before slipping Dean's robe on, which is way too long for my five and a half foot frame.

  Washing my old make up off because we got back from the hunt super late last night, I comb my fingers through my hair and pull it up into a ponytail, turning towards the door. My face collides with Dean's chest, and snagging my eyebrow piercing on his gray T-shirt, "Ah! Fuck, don't move, don't move, Dean, my piercings caught on your shirt! Fuck, fuck fuck fuck, ouch, hold on, I got it!"

  Finally becoming freed of my eyebrow piercing, Dean chuckles sleepily at my frustration, "Well good morning, sunshine..."

  Rolling my eyes as he pulls me into a kiss, I scoff after we separate, "Morning... God, that was pleasant start to the morning."

  Dean steps into the bathroom as I pull some clothes out of our dresser, "At least we've got all day to relax, that djinn was a bitch, Sammy needs a little reprieve, and I don't blame him..."

  I slip on a pair of black jeans with a pair of great converse, with my Panic! At The Disco shirt, "Yeah, I guess, plus we don't really have anything on Rowena... Or Crowley... Or Cas... Damn, just another day in the life..."

*thirty minute time skip brought to you by P!ATD and SPN crossing over so beautifully*

  Sam grabs our dishes to take into the kitchen as Dean walks in, his hair still damp, "Morning, Sammy, Ellise..."

  He sits across from me and digs into his now cold bacon and eggs, "Nothing on the Cas front?"

  I shake my head, "Nope. Or Rowena, or Crowley..."

  Sam walks back in with a cup of coffee, "That's actually not true..." He opens his laptop and moves a few pages, "Apparently, Crowley's been closing more soul deals, and there's been a couple sightings of Rowena, everywhere from Seattle to Sydney, to some village in eastern Asia. She's moving around, and I haven't been able to pin down a location, yet..."

  Dean pops a slice of bacon in his mouth, "Then stop trying, at least for a while. We just wrapped up a hunt-take the day off, that's what Patty-Cake and I are doing..."

  I shoot Dean a death glare, acknowledging his mocking smirk, "Dean Samuel Winchester!! Do NOT call me that, I will rip your fucking lungs out!"

  Sam suddenly chokes on his coffee and starts coughing, but Dean just smirks at me again, "Fine, Ellie... Well?"

  Sam recovers, then shrugs, "Couldn't hurt... I've been wanting to check out the library a couple towns over, they just got a new lore, fantasy, and mythology section..."

  I nod, "Yeah, you should go check that out!"

  Dean shoots me a smoldering smirk, and I barely manage to roll my eyes as Sam closes his laptop and gathers his notes, "I think I'm gonna do that... Yeah, I'll drive over there for the day, I'll be back tonight... Or maybe I'll go to a bar and stay in a motel tonight... Either way, I'll be back by tomorrow...."

  After Sam leaves, I take Dean's plate and Sam's cup into the kitchen. When I turn around, Dean picks me up, spins us around, and kisses my neck, making me giggle like a little girl.

  When he sets me down, between the wall and him, he wastes no time planting a kiss on my lips. I melt into it, like always, cause you never get used to that kind of kiss.

  Eventually I pull away, and Dean plays with a strand of my purple hair, "What do you want to do today?"

  I shrug, "I don't care, what do you want to do?"

  He grins his blinding grin, "I wanna teach you how to throw knives, cause you kinda suck at it..."

  Ignoring the punch on the arm I give him, Dean drags me to the garage of the bunker and helps me practice knife throwing.

*thirty minute time skip brought to you by fanfiction green eyes*

  I walk over to the target one last time, yanking the knives out of the center and hanging them back on the wall, "Dean, are you worried about Sam? I mean, he seems kind of manic about finding Cas and Rowena and Crowley..."

  Dean looks at me as he closes up the cupboard of targets, "He's just... The whole Mark thing, he..."

  He doesn't need to answer, I know what he means. Sam feels guilty, because we still don't know what the hell is going on. I cross my arms, "Well, what about you? You doing okay?"

  He takes a deep breath, "Yeah, I'm-I'm fine..."

  I scoff, "Bullshit."

  He doesn't say anything for a long moment, then sighs, "Ellise, I-I don't know what to do. There's just so much left out there, and there's the things that I did when I had the Mark... You don't just forget those things, and they don't just go away."

  I walk over and wrap my arms around his neck, burying my face into his shoulder, "Dean, don't let all those things stick with you, that shit want your fault. I mean, it was one of God's weapons, it's not like you had a choice in it... Just let it go, let's have a good day..."

  He wraps his arms around my waist and holds me tightly, "Okay, Ellise... I will, let's go watch a movie..."

*one hour time skip brought to you by the bubble Queen, because I can *

  I'm nearly screaming at the TV at this point, "YOU DUMB ASS, DON'T GO IN THE DOOR, FREDDIE'S IN THERE, OMYGOD, YOU FUCKTARD, NO, IDIOT!!"

  Dean chuckles at me, "Calm down, it's just a movie!"

  I sigh and sit back down, leaning into his chest, "Yeah, I know, but we'd have had this shit cleaned up forty minutes ago!"

  He raises an eyebrow, "You know, it's really hot when you get pissed off at the TV..."

  You chuckle, looking over at him, "Well, I'm glad my rage has some use..."

  Dean bares a mischevious grin before putting a hand on the back of my neck and pulling me into a kiss, his teeth clicking against mine because we're both smiling like idiots, now. It starts to get hot and heavy, when the girl that Freddie Krueger's after suddenly screams, jolting us apart. I whip my head to the screen, then start laughing. I can't fucking stop laughing. Dean looks at me in bewilderment, but I'm gone. I laugh until my face is red.

*five hour time skip brought to you by the bitching guitar solo in Carry On My Wayward Son, because fuck yeah, and I'm listening to it right now*

  I turn off the TV and stretch my hands above my head with a yawn, suddenly realizing that it's late in the afternoon. Dean rubs his eyes, "Damn, we just watched, like ten billion movies, I don't think I've ever binged that much..."

  I laugh, "Amateur... We should go get food! Dean, get me some food..."

  He sighs, "Ughhhhhhhhhhh, I'm lazy..."

  I smirk, "Too lazy for pie?"

  He sits up with a start, "What are you talking about, I'm NEVER too lazy for pie, shut your mouth..."

  I laugh and stand up, "Then get your ass in the kitchen with me..."


Hai! That was for my  beeeeeeeeeeeeeeest friend, Ellise! She's awesome, and her and Dean are a power couple, and yeah! That was fun, and I finally updated this one! Please check out my other stories, I'd really appreciate it, but you know, I can't tell you what to do, you could go stick your thumb up a cat's butthole, I can't stop you! But I can ask you to pls vote, comment, request, and fangirl!

Stay sexy, Pentaholic-ism101

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