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  You scoff, "Oh, yeah, that makes SO much sense, Dean, don't tell (Y/N) where you're going, because you don't want to worry her! Yeah, good call on that one!!"

  Dean sets his jaw, glaring at you from across the room in the bunker, "Well, it does make sense!! You were going to make a big deal out of it, or decide to come with me, or somehow blow it out of proportion, like you always do!!"

  You cross your arms, "Oh, so I always blow it out of proportion?!?!? Well, it WAS dangerous!! You leave for days, don't answer me OR Sam's calls, then it turns out you're attacking a vamp nest?! Yeah, that's a big enough deal, Dean!!"

  He sighs, and shakes his head in disbelief, "Exactly, (Y/N), it was dangerous, and I didn't want you to come, a hunter's life is dangerous!!"

  You narrow your eyes, and point at yourself, "I'm a hunter, too, dumb ass!! You don't get to decide when to inform me, and when to keep me in the dark, that ALWAYS end badly!!" You sigh, and press your hands to the table, looking down, "I didn't know what to think Dean... I thought you were dead, or worse!!"

  You look up, and see that Dean's eyes have softened. You straighten and walk around the table wrapping your arms around Dean, who holds you and buries his face in your hair, "I'm sorry, (Y/N)..."

You hold him tightly, "Don't ever scare me like that again, Dean..."

  You walk into the storage room and see Sam talking to Crowley, who's stuck in the demon trap. You gasp, "Sam!! What the hell are you doing?!?!?!?!"

  Sam whips his head around in surprise, making Crowley smirk, "(Y/N)! I, uh, I'm trying to heal Dean..."

  Crowley nods, "Looking forward to hanging with soulless Sam, again..."

  You scoff, and go over, breaking the demon trap, "Get out, Crowley."

  Crowley looks questioningly at Sam, but you just look up exhaustedly and point away from myself, "Get the fuck out!!"

  A second later, Crowley's gone, and you look at Sam, "Not that the method matters to you, but Cas finally called back, Dean's healed..."

  You turn to walk out, and Sam sighs, "(Y/N), I'm sorry,i was getting so worried, and I-"

  You scoff, cutting him off, "Oh, so you'll just sell your soul without talking to anyone else?!?! Not your girlfriend, not Kevin, not the person you're selling you soul for?! What the hell are you doing, just up and calling on Crowley like that?!?!"

  Sam looks down, " I'm sorry... I told you, (Y/N), I was scared, and it was a mistake, and I'm sorry... "

  You nod, "Fine, Sam, fine. Just tell me, why were you so willing to give up your soul without even saying goodbye?"

  He looks at his shoes, then up at you, lovingly, "Because I couldn't handle a goodbye, I couldn't handle leaving you and seeing it all happen, I love you..."

  You step over to San and kiss him, whispering, "Hey, then don't leave... I love you, too..."

  Cas didn't understand why you were mad at him. You sighed, "Why did you choose today to go LOOKING for a hunt?! Any other day would've been better..."

  He furrows his brow and tilts his head, "I do not understand. Why is this day inappropriate to hunt on?"

  You raise an eyebrow, "Really? Castiel, it's our one year anniversary..."

  He opens his mouth, stammering, "Oh. Oh, (Y/N), I-I apologize, I did not realize that this was an important date to celebrate, I am very sorry. ."

  You give him a small smirk of defeat, "Hey, it's okay, Cas, you   didn't mean to, I'm not mad anymore..."

  He looks away for a moment, then back at you, "Would you like to go to London to celebrate this anniversary?"

  You smile, "I'd love to, my Angel..."

  You walk out of Crowley's bedroom that you share with him in a huff, "No, I'm not gonna wear that to meet your subjects, okay?! That dress is just for you, I'm not a slut!!"

  He follows after you, "Love, I just want to make a nice impression on the people that expect a show of power from me! I'm not calling you a slut..."

  You turn back to him, "Then, you won't have any problem with me making my best impression with my clothes ON, will you, my king?! A show of power isn't parading your girlfriend around like a paid whore in public..."

  He sighs, then gives you a small smile, "Find, but will you wear the dress later?"

  You smirk and turn around, putting your earrings in as you walk, "Wouldn't you like to know!"

  You hear him yell as you turn the corner, making you giggle, "I'm the king, I deserve to know!"

  You stomp your foot angrily in your and Gabriel's shared apartment, "I'm not an idiot, Gabe!! I know what flirting looks like, you were checking out her ass!!!!"

  He shrugs angrily, "What, other women can't have nice asses?!"





  "... ALRIGHT!!"

  "... WANNA HOOK UP?!"

  "SHUT UP!!"

  "... that's not a no..."


You and Balthazar don't fight over stupid shit, it's an agreement of sorts. If there's something worth fighting over, you'll just break up, because other things shouldn't get between you two.

  You find out he's still planning on using Sam as a meat suit. You walk into his motel room, "Luci, what the hell?! You said you'd just continue to use Nick, that you could make it work!! Why are you still going after Sam?!"

  He turns to you, you note that his meatsuit is still looking perfectly fine, "(Y/N), I have to, it's destiny!!"

  You scoff, "Bullshit!! You of all people know that in this fight, the rules are fuck destiny..."

  He raises an eyebrow, "Well, why would I want to?"

  You scoff, "Um, maybe because Sam i my brother, and I love him, and you said it could work?!

  He slumps his shoulders in that adorable way, "(Y/N), you still love me, don't you?"

  You sigh, unable to keep a smile off your face, "You know I do, Hothead..."

  He smirks and straightens happily, walking over and kissing you, "Good. I love you, too... I'll make it work for real, angel..."

You fight with Kevin a lot, but then you see how exhausted he is, and how hard he's working, and you cut him some slack. It's not even a topic worth discussing...

It's always fighting. All the time. And it's not a relationship. So what the fuck is it doing here?

You don't think Chuck could emotionally handle a fight, so you give him plenty of leeway...


Okay, they got a little sad, but it or fighting, so yeah!! Vote, comment, fangirl! And I'm starting an SPN actors preference, so check that out!

Stay sexy, Pentaholic-ism101

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