whoops! "aww Shi..."

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Dipper woke up to the truck stopping her sister turning the ignition off

Mabel shot out of the blue truck

dipper caught up to Mabel who was almost on the porch

she took a deep breath and stepped into the shack ,instantly being wrapped into a hug. tears forming in her stark blue eyes

then something unexpected happened(not really XD)

dippers hat blew off, her silky brown hair flowing out from it

Everyone looked at her in shock,Minus mabel of course

"dipper....." Wendy spoke from behind the counter "you're a girl, cool!"

"yeah dude,nice" soos added with a thumbs up

dippers tears silently slipped down her face

she shivered and felt as if she was being watched

stan picked up their bags and put them upstairs at both of their rooms

(their not that far apart their connected by a hallway)

dipper sat down on the bed and sighed "well they took that better than expected"

she flopped backward on her bed with her earphones plugged in

'at least I told everyone' she thought as she drifted into a light sleep

during her light nap,a warm presence and arms wrapped around her

"mmmmm...mabel go sleep in your own bed"

she felt the person lift their head up

"who said I was shooting star~?"

dippers eyes shot open wide

she wanted to scream but she choked on her own words

bill seemed to know what dipper was thinking (hehe hehe!) and put his finger to her mouth

"not a word pinetree~"

tears slipped down dippers face

she was scared

she was pissed

she wanted this to be a dream

she wanted to forget

bill pushed her bangs out of her face

"Don't cry pinetree" his eyes softened

he snuggled up to her "I missed you so much~"

dipper pushed him away and blushed deeply

"no your a d-demon and w-w-we k-killed y-y-you" dipper felt as if she could barely breathe

the demon snickered "oh pinetree your so cute when you blush!!~"

dipper was inflamed "I am not cute!!!" she persisted

bill rolled his eyes "sure you aren't" he said as he shifted around getting comfortable

dipper took this chance to run

she barely got to the door before she felt a force pull on her sleeve

She fell backward into Bill who caught him

"heh falling for me yet pinetree~?"

dipper blushed furiously and tried to escape from his grasp

bill leaned his face to dipper

"what do you want Bill? a few years ago you would have been trying to kill me"

bill faked a hurt expression

"Oh, come on pinetree can't you forgive me? oh and by the way nice new hairstyle I see your going for that girl look"

dipper shook her head at the demons unawareness to her true gender

"I am a girl you idiot!"

bill smirked, "this makes you all more interesting pinetree~!"

female Dipper X bill ~billdip!~Where stories live. Discover now