A lovely evening together

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bill smiled at dipper and as slyly as he could wrapped his hand around hers protectively

dipper smiled and looked at bill smirking

"you bill cipher are a sly dog"

she wagged her finger at him disapprovingly with a smile still gracing her features making bill smile in turn

Then the two reached the outskirts of town

Dipper looked at bill with a worried look

"Are you gonna be okay out there?"

She questioned him worry clear on her face the same one bill loves so much

Bill took a deep breathe in and the two started walking through the town

"Hey why don't we go get some breakfast?" Bill questioned dipper

Dipper smiled at bill "sure why don't we go to greasys? They have the best pancakes"

Bill looks at dipper quizzically

Dipper crosses her heart with her fingers

"I swear!"
She laughed and skipped ahead of bill then she suddenly stopped when her phone rang in her pocket

She picked it up and slid her finger on the screen to answer it
then someone bumped into her sending both of them to the ground

Dipper landed backwards on her bottom she rubbed her arm which would most likely have a purple brown shade bruise on it in the morning

Bill who was catching up to her when she fell helped her up steading her with his arms on her shoulder

Then the two looked at who had bumped into dipper

He was wearing a blue hoodie black rimmed glasses and blue jeans

The man in the hoodie stood up grabbing the book he had been reading when he collided with dipper

"I-i m s-s-sorry I wasn't l-looking where I w-was going-g" he apologized
Fumbling with his thumbs

Dipper smiled faintly and shook her head

"It's fine and I wasn't looking where i was going so it's my fault"

Dipper waved bye to the man and carried on with Bill to greasys

Bill opened the door for Dipper with. A smirk

Dipper smiled in return amused

"So gentlemanly"

Bill rolled his eyes and followed dipper inside

The two took a seat at booth holding hands along the way (nosebleed*)

Bill took a seat beside dipper after she seated herself on the booths cushion

Dipper gave him the 'wtf' look

He just shrugged a little with a smile tugging at his lips and scooted closer to dipper

Dipper sighed and looked at the menu

Lazy Susan soon came shuffling out of the kitchen wiping her hands on her stained apron as she did

She stopped at dipper and bills booth with her notepad flipped and her slightly dull pencil hovering over the page ready to take there order

"Hi lazy Susan nice to see you again"

Dipper waved and smiled warmly at lazy Susan

Lazy Susan flipped her lazy eye lids open and looked at dippy for a moment before gasping and smiling widely

"I didn't recognize you dear I'm glad your back in town it gets boring sometimes"

she ended off with a laugh

Dipper giggled and closed her menu sliding it to the edge of the table bill soon followed suit

Lazy Susan directed her gaze towards bill

"Got a date eh?" She teased

Dippers face flushed and she laughed nervously while rubbing the back of her neck avoiding Susan's gaze

Lazy Susan laughed and once more readied her pencil

"So what can I get for you two?" Susan asked once more serious

Dipper sighed on relief and looked up at the waitress

"Chocolate pancakes and milk please"

Susan wrote the order down with a D next to it she then looked at bill

"And what would you like dear?" She asked pencil already hovering over the next blank line of her page

Bill smiled friendly like and made his order "chocolate pancakes and tea please"

Lazy Susan smiled and turned to leave for the kitchen but she turned one last time towards bill smiling

"You made a good choice son treat her right" then she left for the kitchen leaving a grinning bill and embarrassed dipper

"Heh won't have to worry about me mistreating my Pinetree" bill spoke possessively wrapping one of his arms around dippers waist and placing his free hand around dippers

Dipper blushed at the sudden contact and comment from bill and lowered the bill of her hat to cover her face

"Awww don't hide your beautiful face from me pinetree~" bill spoke into dippers ear making her blush worse

Dipper sighed and buried her face in her hands earning a chuckle from bill

Soon lady Susan returned with there food left it and winked at dipper before walking away

The two ate in an awkward silence with Bill just basically staring at dipper the whole time

Soon dipper grew agitated and poked bill on the shoulder

"Will you please stop staring at me it's nerve wracking"
she questioned him fed up with him staring at her

Bill smiled and winked at dipper
"you mean I'm nerve wracking"

Dipper huffed and crossed her arms on her chest
"Yes so can you please stop it"

"Fine fine no need to get angry about it pinetree" he waved his hand dismissively towards her

Dipper sighed in relief
"thank you"

"Anytime pinetree" he replied nonchalantly with his head resting on his hands

"Well" dipper said clapping her hands and standing up "we should get going"

Bill nodded since he was getting bored stood up and put some cash on the table

Then the two left greasys walking out hand in hand ready to take on the world


(I'm finally done yay! That took forever I'm so sorry but hey at least it was long so anyways I hope you enjoyed and yeah the next chapter will take a bit but not as long as it took for this one since I'm looking around for some ideas for the next chapter if you have any ideas please let me know thanks guys your the best)

-moonbeam out-

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