HOLD UP!!!!!!

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dipper sat down at the table next to bill with his family seated in front of her

she sighed and continued on 

"well bill and i talked" she started off

"and we um....talked about.." 

she left off looking out the window rubbing the back of her neck

"just spit it out already dipper i cant take the suspense!" 

mabel yelled from the other side of the table

dipper jumped a little but calmed herself down and took a deep breath

"we'll he made me immortal" 

she glanced at her family there faces showing shock and anger

"HE DID WHAT NOW!?" ford nearly had a panic attack

dipper stood out of her seat defensively beside bill

"it was my choice and if you cant accept us well then i dont care!"

she snapped pissed off at him

ford shut his mouth and wearily sat back down shocked at dippers outburst

Stan was sitting there eating popcorn enjoying the show

ford eyed Stan with a quirked brow

"you gonna help or not?" he pestered 

stan shrugged and sat back in his chair

"if he wanted to kill us wouldn't he already have done it?" 

ford deadpanned 

"i guess so Stanley"

dipper gave an appreciative nod towards Stan and shifted herself towards ford

"he's not going to hurt anyone"

"unless they try to hurt my pinetree~!"

 bill added pecking dippers cheek causing her to blush madly

ford eyed the interaction with interest his 'inner nerd' kicking in

"so exactly how did this" he said gesturing towards the two 


bill and dipper sighed and looked at each other at the same time

"its a long story..." they said both in sync 

female Dipper X bill ~billdip!~Where stories live. Discover now