Back to normal for a while i guess...

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bill picked dipper up bridal style and walked into the shack 

ford was looking over a map and stan was putting a blanket over mabel who was asleep on the couch 

ford looked like a nervous wreck and was pinching the bridge of his nose constantly 

bill carried dipper to the table and sat her on the chair

ford noticed dipper and was filled with sudden worry

"what happened to you dipper?"

she looked at bill who was standing behind her chair he nodded for her to begin

"well i went to the store and stopped to rest and well..." 

she carried off finding the carpet suddenly very interesting

bill put his hand on her shoulder for comfort 

"well...Gideon was there and..well he kinda tried to abduct me"

fords mouth went agape but he quickly shut it

"how did you get back home if he was trying to abduct you?"

dippers eyes widened as she recalled the events that happened in the forest  

she shook her head back and forth 

"i honestly dont know myself..its all jumbled"

bill moved closer to dipper and wrapped his arms around her

he moved and sat down in the chair her sitting on his lap

she blushed and moved into his chest

"well first of all dipper used her 'magic' and mine combined to scare him off"

dipper eyed bill in shock

"that was you?"

bill nodded his head towards dipper

"yup i was able to take control of you for a little while but you where still there" 

he eyed ford when he said this

"i was gonna hurt the kid but you stopped me"

he stiffened and his fists clenched 

"that little bastard..."

dipper wrapped her arms around bill in a deep embrace

"im fine i dont want anyone to get hurt"

bill melted at dippers touch and his eyes softened

"alright" he glanced at the clock on the wall

"well best be getting to bed pinetree"

he pointed at the clock

"its pretty late"

dipper nodded and stood up before being picked up by bill

"I'm not letting you out of my sight ever again"

one of dippers eye brow raised 

"ohh really now?"

 she giggled and bill laughed holding dipper tightly against himself

dipper moved closer into bills chest and drifted off into a peaceful sleep

female Dipper X bill ~billdip!~Where stories live. Discover now