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she couldn't move

how would you expect her too when he was right in front of her

"why are you doing this" dipper took a step back

a grin sprawled out like a cat on his mouth

"well that's very simple" he took a step forward so he was right in front of dipper

he brushed her hair out of her face with his hand

"I've been watching you. but then that yellow freak took my chances with you away" 

a shiver crawled up dippers back and she spat out "why would you say something like that about your own brother"


(at the shack) 

bill was hovering over a table reading over the plan and clues everyone had gathered

and it all pointed to one thing

bill left the table and walked briskly over to a familiar corkboard and rearranged the pins and strings

this confirmed his conclusion "I've got something!" 

Mabel came from the front porch where she was sharpening some tools

ford came bounding down from upstairs where he was looking through the journals 

Mabel tilted her head to the side in confusion as she pointed towards the blurry picture "who's that?"

a vein of anger popped on bills forehead whilst fords eyebrows knitted together in confusion and analyzes 

"that's my 'brother'" he made air quotations as he said brother with his fingers on fire

it clicked in fords head as he looked at the other two "we have a lot of work to do and fast"

bill nodded " he's going to try to mark her and if she refuses and runs he'll......." 

tears brimmed at his eyes and fords eyebrow quirked "what will he do"

bills eyes showed determination and anger " he'll brainwash her and infect her with demon blood"

Mabel spoke up "didn't you already do that whole ritual thing with dipper?"

bill nodded "yeah but if he makes her drink his blood she'll be completely under his control"

Mabel's eyes widened " we have to stop him"

ford cracked his knuckles "yeah"

bill nodded "let's get started"

ford called up fiddleford for help (mcguggit) 

Mabel contacted candy grenda and Pacifica (they still had their skills from weirdmaggedon) 

bill was pacing in dippers room holding her hat (she had left it on her nightstand) 

he was recalling all his blasted 'brother' had said

one thing was for sure

he wanted dipper and he had her in his domain

bill sighed he had tried to reach dipper through the mindscape but there was a block

wherever she was it was sealed off

bills electric blue pools calmly opened 

he knew where dipper was 

but it would be extremely difficult to breach 

he was going to have to have some help from dipper

female Dipper X bill ~billdip!~Where stories live. Discover now