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Bills P.O.V)

I carry pine tree in my arms and prepare to teleport us all to the mystery shack

I look down at pine trees gorgeous face

aaaaand she's asleep

well I can't blame her

I lightly kiss her forehead and look up at shooting star and six fingers

they both nod to say that their ready and I snap my fingers

in a flash of fire, we're gone

Shooting star erh 'Mabel' skipped inside while ford just went down to his lab

pfft, as usual , I roll my eyes and float up the stairs to dippy room (yesh he uses that nickname)

I laid her down on her bed

I resisted the urge to look as I turned away from her and snapped my fingers changing her into some more comfortable clothing. 'jam jams' as she would call them

I sighed as I sat next to her watching her sleep and playing with her hair

my thoughts began to twist and turn

I started to think about me and pine tree's future

She's not going to die ever

so no worries about that but.....whats the next step?

he thought it over and decided to go get some advice

from the love doctor

(time skip to morning)

dippys p.o.v)

I wake up with a long yawn

I look at my arms bored

wait when did I get in my jam jams?


wait does this mean bill dressed me?

I feel my cheeks heat up

no of course not! Mabel probably did or he used magic


well whatevs, I'll find out later

wait speak of the demon where is billy?

I blow my hair out of my face and walk down the cold cold stairs T__T

I looked around the shack and found bill asleep on the kitchen table

haha nice bed bill I hope its as comfortable as it looks

I walked into the kitchen to find mabel half on the floor half on the countertop with stickers and glitter all over her and the floor

i chuckled to myself and made some coffee

i poured my coffee in an 'i love Doritos' cup and pushed bill aside so I could sit down at the table

3rd P.O.V)

dipper had eventually finished her coffee and fell asleep while watching TV

she was woke up by someone tapping on her shoulder lightly

"ugh" she groaned as she woke up

she blinked and stood up straight looking at the now awoken bill

"oh hey your up"

she chuckled to herself "yeah i guess I am, you looked very comfortable this morning bill"

bill blushed faintly and chuckled lightly "yeah I kinda passed out"

female Dipper X bill ~billdip!~Where stories live. Discover now