Mabels weird juice

780 19 5

sorry if it sucks I'm trying

The summer day was wasting away
Very quickly and just as dipper was almost finished with reading half of the third journal she remembered something that brought a smirk to her face

And so dipper closed the third journal and hopped off the bed energized by her mischievous plan

Bill glanced up at dipper from the floor where he was laying bored playing with his blue flame carefull not to set anything on fire as he did so
Dipper was laughing her head off as she went across the hall to Mabels very pink and sparkly room

She knocked on the door loud enough for mabel to hear over her pop music

Soon a very sparkly brunette opens the door widely and gasped

"Dip have you finally come to me for makeup advice!?"

Dipper sighed and shook her head
"No but I came for something way better"

she smirked and closed the door behind her pushing mabel over to her bed to talk to her

Then shortly after the twins walked together down the stairs mabel splitting off to the kitchen and dipper to the table to continue reading

Then Bill floated down groaning as he saw dipper reading the journal

Bill scooped dipper up into his arms picking her up and setting he down in front of the stairs

"You really need to read something besides that boring old book"

She sighed And started up the steps

"Looks like I don't have a choice"

Bill nodded and shooed her with his hands

"Yup now go get a new book"

"Fine.." dipper trudged upstairs and as soon as she was out of earshot and eyesight bill turned towards the table
Grinning at his plan


bout 5 minutes later dipper returned to her spot at the table with a novel 

Mabel soon walked out of the kitchen carrying three mugs of tea 

bill had walked into the kitchen to grab some sweetener 

while he was gone mabel walked over to dipper

"everything's set dip dot"

dipper smiled wickedly and nodded 

soon bill returned and sat down diagonal from dipper why dipper had no idea since he usually sat beside her 

then she noticed mabel standing up drinking her tea away from the table

this made dipper question things, are they avoiding me?

dipper pondered this for a while and decided to brush it off

then as she was about to take a sip of her 'tea' she noticed bill hadn't drunk any of his

but she realized what the two where up to after it was too late

she had drank the some of the 'tea'

dipper immediately realized what was in her cup and ran off to the bathroom to try to throw it up

after some time a ticked off dipper came back into the kitchen to see mabel and bill laughing their asses off on the floor

"really guy's!?" dipper questioned with her arms stretched out dramatically (me) 

bill and mabel high fived

then bill took a sip of his tea

and then it was dippers turn to laugh

female Dipper X bill ~billdip!~Where stories live. Discover now