Chapter 4

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I looked at Josh who was sitting in front of me. After leaving Sara, I drove my bike to Josh’s house. I banged on his door for like 3 time before he came out. And here we are sitting in his living room, and trying to think on what is wrong with me, “ Ok, I think I got it “ Josh said, “ Your in love with Priya “ he continued. I looked at him blankly. After sitting like an idiot of 5 seconds I said “ NO!!! NO!!! NO!!! “ getting up and pacing, “ No dude, this can’t be happening…I mean I don’t do this..this….l..lo…arghhh I can’t even say it “ I screamed . “ You mean L.O.V.E ? “ Josh said in a very slow and amusing voice. “ STOP IT !! “ I screamed even louder. “ Chill, dude, it’s perfectly ok to be in L.O.V.E “ Josh said again with a amusing voice. I looked at him annoyingly “ SHUT UP JOSH “ I said again, “ Hey dude you were the one who banged on my door “ Josh replied. He’s right I thought, this is his house, I came to him, begged him to open, and what am I doing, shouting ?? No, this is not fair to him. Sighing I said down once more “ Dude what am I going to do ? “ I asked tiredly. “ I mean I tried…god how I tried to forget her…I even went to Sara for distraction and nothing “ I said once more. “ Hmmmm…I say if you love her, than just tell her “ Josh said. “ Dude she hates me, after what I did to her. How am I going to tell her ? “ I asked, “ Well you can start by getting close to her, like trying to be her friend. Say that you come in peace and you mean no harm and you are sorry for what you did to her in the past “ Josh replied. Thinking that he made sense, I nodded and left his house.


My phone rang , picking up I looked at the caller ID and answered “ Kunal !!! hey whats up yar ? “ I said excitedly. “ Hey babe, guess what, I’m transferring to Hill’s High School tomorrow “ Kunal said excitedly, “ Kia Baat Hai yar…this is so cool, I can’t wait to see you tomorrow “ I replied, “ I know yar, well got to go, see to tomorrow hun, bye “ he said and hung up. After the phone call, I was jumping for joy, yes finally Kunal is coming to Hill’s High School. After my shower and got dressed and headed for my warm bed, I was happy, tomorrow Kunal is coming and I’m so excited, with that I went into a dreamless sleep.


Today is the day that I would get close as possible to Priya. “ Hey there lover “, god Sara, “ Sara what do you want ? “ I said irritated, “ I just wanted to know what time I should be at your house today “ she said is a seductive voice. “ How bout never Sara “ I said, and pushed her off me and headed inside the school hoping to find Priya. 

I found Priya in the main office, talking and getting cozy with a guy. Jealousy brewed up within me, who is he ? and why is he talking to my Priya…wohh…MY Priya ?? Yeah MY Priya. Ok Chris be cool, I walked up to Priya and that guy, “ Well..well…well…fancy meeting you her ? “ I said and a cool voice. “ What do you want Chris ? Can’t you see I’m busy ? “ She said. “ Really ?? with whom ?? this guy ? “ I gave the guy a death stare, “ As a matter of fact * This Guy * happens to be my very good boy-friend “ she said coolly.

Did I just here her right, boyfriend ? “ Boyfriend ? He’s your boyfriend ? “ I asked again shocked, “ Yes, now if you will excuse us, I have to show Kunal where his first class is “ She said as she walked off with him hand in hand. 

BOYFRIEND !!!??? SHE HAS A FREAKING BOYFIREND !!! I mentally screamed, I have to change my plan or I will never win. 

( Ok so when Priya said boy-friend, what she meant is a friend who is a boy that why is BOY- FRIEND not Boyfriend as in one word. There is a difference ) 

Ohh and Josh on the side ------ > 

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