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“ I SHALL NOW PRESENT THE CLASS OF 2014 “ the principle said.

We immediately jumped up and threw our caps into the air, screams and yell were surrounding us. “ Congratulations beta, I’m so happy for you “ mom said, “ thanks mom “ I replied. “ My baby girl is all grown up “ my dad said teary eyed, “ dad I’ll always be your baby girl “ I said as I hugged him. After the all hugging and crying, I went to seek out Chris. I spotted him sitting away from the crowed, I smiled and sat beside him. I pecked him softly on the cheek, “ thank you” he said softly, “ your very welcome “ I said and I too relaxed on the chair. “ So what now ? “ he asked, “ honestly I don’t know, I really don’t “ I smiled. “ I love you “ Chris said “ and I love you too “ I said.

6 Months Later


For the past 6 months my life was pretty good, I had the chance to teach some Bollywood dance movement to a bunch of people and it was fun, my singing career was taking off and so was my acting. Yup you heard me right, after graduating, I got tons of acting gigs in Bollywood. But sadly I had to turn them down, I just wanted right now to focus on my dance, singing and studies. Chris had been amazing, he was so supportive ,and he was there for me 100% and I was there for him when he wasted to take up modeling, yup Chris right now is a model, modeling for magazines like GQ and brands like Gucci.  “ OK GUYS, THAT’S ALL FOR TODAY, SEE YOU NEXT WEEK “ I said.

“ Hey baby, “ Chris said as he wrapped his arms around me and pecked me softly on the lips, “ hey to you too “ I said smiling. “ So how is it going ? “ he asked “ good, you ? “ I asked, “ great, they are asking me to model for Vogue “ he said “ baby that is great “ hugging him. “ Come on, it’s time to celebrated with some dannnnncccceeee “ I said going all sister like. “ haha, alright lets do this “ he said “ Love you “ kissing my lips softly, “ Love you too “ I said, deepening the kiss. “ Ok if we don’t stop, I’m gonna take you right here right now “ he chucked. I just laughed and cranked the volume up. 


Ok guys that's it. I'm so sorry that I could not upade it, and I know you guys must be mad at him, I tottaly undersatand, but I had a really rough few months from my uncle passing away to my assignment piling up. I so glad you guys stuck by me and I love YA'LL with all my heart !!! MUHAXXXXX <3 <3 <3 <3 

And I really hope you like the song :D 

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