Chapter 14

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1 Month Later……


It’s already been a month that I recorded my song with RedOne.  Everything was back to normal. I was back in school, with my friends and family who I missed a lot for the past month. I was contented.

“ Hey guys “ I smiled as I met up with Kunal and Tanya at my locker in school “ PRIYA !!!! OH I MISSED YOU !!!! “ Tanya said as she hugged be tightly, “ Miss you too babe “ I laughed.  “ Oh, did you know that Chris was like asking for you, he even called your parents to asked “ she said “ Really ?? Hmm I wonder why he did that ? “ I thought.

“ Priya !!! “ I turned as saw Chris jogging towards me. He looked worried and I think he even lost weight.

“ Priya where have you been ?? I’ve been looking for you every where “ he side catching his breath, “ Why ? did something happen ?? “ I said confused. “ wha---no I wanted to tell you something “ he said, and just then my heart raced, keeping my face cool I asked “ about what ?? “. “ No here, can we talk in private somewhere, please ? “ he asked, looking at him, I knew it was something important, because he was suddenly all nervous  “ Yeah sure…. How bout after school ? meet me at the field “ I said and walked off.


As I saw walk off, my heart was racing, I was so nervous. For a month I have been practicing my confession to her, today is the day. I found Josh at the cafeteria, and told him about it. “ Really, so she decided to meet you eh, when just remember NOT to fuck it up again “ he said. Nodding, I made my way to class, I can’t wait.


It was after school, and the sun was dying down, I was currently wait for Chris at the school field, looking at my watch “Where the hell is he ?? “ when I heard someone calling my name, I turned and saw Chris running towards me, he was bout 10 meters away when he tripped into a puddle, laughing I made my way towards him “ OH MY GOD CHRIS…AHHAHAHAH….ARE YOU OK ?? “ still laughing I helped him up,

“ yeah, this was not how I planned it “ he said, “ Hey, don’t worry, it was only me “ I smiled. “ So what is it you wanted to say ? “ I asked , he looked at me, and then he dropped to his knees and said those 3 words 8 letters that I thought I would never here “ Priya, I LOVE YOU “.


 “ Priya, I LOVE YOU…….I’m sorry for what I have done to you for the past years, I’m sorry for calling you fat, and ugly, I’m sorry for bullying you and teasing you, I’m so sorry Priya, I’ll understand if your not going to forgive me, but I just wanted to say this. Looking back, I have regretted all may actions that I have done to you, I love You Priya, please give me another chance “ I said as I looked up into her eyes. Priya dropped to her knees and said “ I’ll forgive you if you will dance “ she said and just like that she was gone. I was there on my knees wondering what she meant by dance ? Did she want me to dance for her ?  Do a Sorry dance for her ? My phone vibrated, I took it out and read : 

I’m not rejecting you, I’m giving you a chance to prove yourself to me.

Priya  XoXo 

I read and re-read the text, my heart just took flight. I jump and shouted “ YES !!!! YES !!! AHHHHHHHH !!!!!! “  I air pumped with my fist. So she wants me to dance for her, I can do that, I just need some help.


I watched from afar as Chris was jumping and screaming YES. A smile grew on my face, he love me, he was really sincere about it. Tears formed but they are not sad tears they are happy tears. Smiling I made my way to my car. 

( Yea !!! he finally said it !!! ) :D 

Sorry for not updating been bz with school and stuff. Thanks for supporting me :D 

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