Ponyboy Curtis

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Ponyboy never thought he would make it to this point; a week before his high school graduation with a scholarship to college waiting just around the corner. He never thought of it actually, but when he did he would get overwhelmed at the thought of leaving home and push it far from his mind.

He wishes he could say that he succeeded in life to carry on the memory of Johnny and Dally, but that wasn't true. Well, it was for sophomore year when he was still hurting, but now it's a dull throb every once in a while. The real reason why he was where he was, was you.

You had approached Ponyboy during sophomore year when he looked like he just really needed a friend other than that damned notebook he carried with him at all times, your excuse being that you needed a tutor for english class (a class you actually excelled in). From that point on, you became the force that pushed Ponyboy in the right direction everyday.

Even on the days when you weren't in school, he still went through all his classes and stayed for track practice and helped the elderly librarian push the cart of books around the shelves. You were a force to be reckoned with and maybe that's why Ponyboy tried so hard to make you happy.

Just seeing the look of pride on your face when Pony would attempt to make an effort in school was enough to fuel his drive for a lifetime. It wasn't just that you were his motivation, you were also his biggest supporter.

You tried to go to every one of his meets and always stayed up late to help him cram for a physics exam he was sure he'd fail. You were his best friend, the light that guided him through life.

Not only that, but you were also the beacon of his pleasure. It wasn't a new thing between you two, sleeping with one another with reckless abandon. You'd be lying if you said it was a bad little arrangement, he would be too.

Before agreeing to sleep with one another, you had thought of Pony as innocent and pure, which he was, you just brought out the side of him nobody would have expected to see. You were his first kiss, the first girl he ever pleasured and the first person he ever had sex with.

When you taught him the in's and out's of sex, you thought he was a misguided, inexperienced kid but after he learned how to make your toes curl in pleasure, he turned into a madman. He would fuck you anywhere and everywhere, as long as he could get a firm grip on your hips and a decent angle to kiss you from. He was risky as well, fucking you while Sodapop was in the next room or having you ride him on the couch knowing Darry would be home any minute.

You quenched Ponyboy's thirst for life, the need to live on the edge once in a while. The best part about the situation, however, was that nobody expected it. He was a greaser and you were a Soc, two polar opposites who were supposed to hate one another.

You wore short pleated skirts and tight sweaters with freshly washed knee socks while he wore dirty jeans and an oil stained muscle tee that he must have stolen from Soda. You were quite the looker as well, from your sparkling eyes to your shapely body, you were essentially the lust object of every guy in the school.

Ponyboy was more reserved than you were, he would rather have his nose crammed in the inside of a worn book while you were more of the 'live in the moment' type. In your mind, people should make every second count because they never know when their time is up - maybe that mentality is what attracted Ponyboy to you in the first place.

The fact you two were so different was the exact reason why nobody ever expected Ponyboy to be anything more than a tutor to you. Nobody even considered the idea that a Soc girl like you would even give a greaser boy a second glance.

Even Pony doubted your intentions sometimes, claiming that a girl like you should be with a guy like Soda, not a greasy, messed up kid like him. Yet every time he uttered those words, you would press your lips to his own, pulling away to whisper sweet nothings into his ear until he forgot about his own doubts for your friends with benefits situation.

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