Chapter 11: Stunning

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Chapter 11: Stunning

"Your stunning" he whispers. His breath tickling my lips. He's so close I can feel the heated energy between us. I open my eyes for a brief second and he's about to close the minuscule distance left between us. I close my eyes and wait for the impact.

"Aghhhhhhhhhh there's a boy in here mom!!!!!!" I here some little girl scream.

Are you FIGging kidding me! I almost scream out loud as we jump apart.

Before I know it I'm pushed back in my dressing room and Harry is being attacked by some mom with a shopping bag!

"Ow! Hey! Ouch! I'm leaving!"

"Leave you British pedo before I call the police!"

"I'm not a pedo my friends in there!"

"This is no place for you kids to be holding your friends with benefits sessions!" She screams as she shoos him out of the store.

As I am trying not to laugh really hard I put my clothes back on and run out of the store as fast as I possibly can! Someone grabs my hand and turns me around. I panic for a moment until I realize its Harry. We both start cracking up hysterically. So hard I can't breath!

"There he is officer. The pervert in the woman's dressing room!" It's the same lady from inside!

"Hey you stop!" The mall cop yells as he starts coming towards us.

Harry looks at me with a wicked grin. My heart melts like a banana in chocolate. He grabs my hand and sprints to the parking lot dragging me along behind him. We reach the front doors and push the open. He drags me outside directly into the rain. All I can do us laugh as I run. The large warm droplets of water pelting down on my face, The mall cop still chasing us through the parking lot!

Harry ducks down behind a car and pulls me down with him. Both of us trying to stifle our laughter. Both completely drenched!

Practically crawling around the muddy parking lot on our hands and knees we start to look for his Range Rover. Hiding from the now multiplying number of mall cops. I see the car insight. But it's across the isle. We're about to make a break for it until we are spotted.

I make a break for the left. I sprint towards the car, laughing the whole time! I get to the car and start pulling on the handle and it won't open! The mall cop is closing in!

"Harry unlock it!" I scream! I frantically look around and Harry is nowhere to be seen! GRAPES!!!! I take off running again.

It's raining harder, I'm running in circles! I keep running back to the Range Rover. It won't open. The car alarm starts blaring. I'm being chased. There's no sign of Harry! What the oranges is going on!

As I'm about to cross the isle to another row of cars to get away from this crazed mall cop when a black car slams on its breaks right in front of me and the passenger door flies open. Suddenly Harry tells "get in!"

I then realize that the Range Rover I kept banging on... Was not his.

I hop in slam the door shut and we take off out of the parking lot.

I take a moment to assess the situation I am now in.

I'm soaked. I'm cold. I'm in a car with Harry. Harry got accused of being a pedophile. We were chased by mall cops. All you can do in a situation like this is laugh. So that's what I did. I laughed and I laughed hard!

Harry gives me a weird look but then starts busting out laughing as well. We laugh all the way back to my house. We pull in my drive way and its still raining. Harry gets out and runs to my side of the car and throws his jacket over my head. We jog up to my porch.

Again I laugh at what just happened. We're standing on my porch laughing until our eyes meet. We both slowly stop laughing. Harry leans in. I lean in. I close my eyes. His hand touches my wet face and I feel his sweet breath once again. Not pausing this time I lean into close the gap.

"Hi Emily!" My dad says opening the door. Guava sliced people!!! Harry practically jumped 6 feet in the air.

"Hello Mr. Charms" Harry says shakily.

"Harry isn't it?" My father responds. Not aware of the fact it's poring rain and we are soaked.

"Yes sir"

Theres and awkward silence shared between the 3 of us.

"You kids are soaked! Why don't you come inside and get dried off" my mother says coming up behind my father.

"Thank you Mrs. Charms but I really must be going. My uncle expects me to be home soon. Have a nice night. Bye Emily" he says as he jogs off back to his car.

"Bye Harry" I yell before he closes the door of his car and backs out of the driveway.

My father closes the door. Thankfully before he can interrogate me my mother ordered me to go take a warm shower.

Avoiding my fathers gaze I sprint up the stairs to my room an close the door. My heart pounding in my throat. I walk to the bathroom and look in the mirror. I AM A WRECK! Peaches sliced! My makeup a everywhere. My hair is completely spake and matted. I ring my long blonde hair out in the sink. Strip of my soaked clothes and get in the steaming hot water of my shower.

I take a long time in the shower mulling over the events that happened today. Laughing to myself as I remember the horrified look on that little girls face. Then it dawns on me...

Harry tried to kiss me. TWICE! Holy cumquats! I almost kissed him! TWICE! I barely know him!

With these thoughts running through my mind I step into the cold air of my bathroom and slip into my comfy pajamas. I braid my hair and slip in the rubber band. I cautiously make my way down stairs trying to avoid contact with my father.

"Emily?" I jump at the sound of my mothers voice.

"Yes mom?"

"A package came for you."

"Really?" That's weird I think to myself. It's not even close to my birthday yet.

I walk over to the counter and see a pink box wrapped with a ribbon on the counter.

"Whose it from?" I ask out loud

"I don't know honey. It was dropped of on the porch. They rang the door bell an ran" she explained

I walk cautiously over to the box and slide the ribbon off.

I slowly remove the lid. Laying in the box is a single red rose and under neath is the dress from the store! A note falls out as I lift the dress out of the box. As my mother oo's and aws and asks questions about who it's from. I admire the dress and already know who it's from. My mother lifts up the card.
"What does it say?" I ask her.



Tell me what you think! Love you guys!!! Almost 150 reads!! Amazing! I never thought I'd get that much!!!! PLEASE COMMENT!!!!!! I wrote the next part and will post it when I get 2 comments!

Love you!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2013 ⏰

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