Chapter 6: Contact Information

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Chapter 6: Contact Information

I was rushed around to meet many more people. Which included many old people that i didn't really care about. I'm basically their to make my family look good or at least whats left of my family... Even though i look terrible at the moment. I look so horrible I probably would have looked better in a trash bag. But i keep up the act. The act of the perfect daughter who isn't bothered by anything... Ever. I smile and shake hands and say "Its so nice to finally meet you! My father talks so much about you" which is a load of cucumbers! (oh and cucumbers are a fruit by the way). This goes on for a while but I'm starting to feel self conscious, like someone is looking at me. I feel eyes on me everywhere I go. I look up to see Harry quickly divert his beautiful green eyes from my gaze. Before I know it, it is time to leave. "Yay no more meeting people!" I think to myself. I pick up my purse and head towards the door but someone grabs my arm. As I turn around I'm met with those stunning green eyes once again.

"Emily wait. I um, I" He mumbles with that amazing British accent.

"Harry I have to go." I tell him reluctantly. Even though, for once... I want to stay. "What am I doing?" I ask myself. He probably leaving to go back to England and I'm never gonna see him again.

"Um whats your number? I'll text you" He says shyly. Its freaking adorable. Guava Sliced this boy!

"Doesn't it cost a lot of money to text out of country?" I asked.

"Well I'm gonna be in America for the rest of the summer. But if y-you don't want to that's f-fine" He stutters staring at his hands. Kumquats could this boy be anymore adorable! WAIT! Back up the banana truck! Did he just say he's staying in America?

He turns to walk away so I yell, almost a little to desperately "Wait! Of course I'd like to give you my number" he smiles and so do I as I'm the one who's looking at my hands now.

"Here put your number in my phone and ill put mine in yours." He says quickly as he hands me his phone. I pull out mine and hand it to him. I shakily go to contacts and click New. I put in my number and now the tricky part... What to put for my name?

"Emily <3" No to pushy.

"Emily" No to plain.

"Emily Charms" no still to plain

"Emily Charms :D" Perfect. Its cute and its my name.

I click save and hand him back his phone and he ands me mine.

"Emily um would" He starts

"Emily we have to go!" My moms yells from the door. Thanks mom... Perfect timing.

"Ill ask you later. Bye Emily" Harry says with a wave.

"Bye Harry" I say as I turn around and walk to the door.

I walk down the hallway and before I even hit the elevator my phone buzzes

Harry: The boy who spilled Coke on your Pretty Dress

Hey :)


Hey guys I'm sorry its been so long. I just feel like people don't really like the story :/ Should i continue it? Thanks guys all 38 of you are amazing! Id never thought that almost 40 people would read it! and i know its short but hopefully I'm gonna update soon now that its summer! Love you! - Hailee

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