Chapter 4: Flirting?

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Chapter 4: Flirting?

"Niall!!!!!!" I yelled as I ran and gave him a hug.

He picked me up and swung me in a circle as I giggled. It wasn't uncomfortable. It actually felt right. And nothing had felt right in a while. Niall was like my brother when we were little. But now I feel like he's my best friends brother who just got back from college... And he's SUPER hot.

"I haven't seen you in forever!" He exclaimed as he set me back on my feet. "You haven't been here since..." His voice faded out. "I'm sorry" he said.

"It's fine" I told him as I put on my best fake smile. He believed it. Just like everyone else does. "So how have you been? And look at you! Your... Different." I asked changing the subject.

"Pretty good. Schools boring but I'm glad it's summer. And yep! It's amazing what a little bit of exercise can do" He shrugged as he laughed.

"A little how about like holy watermelons you look amazing" I say to myself. He looked HOT! But there was no way I was gonna say that! So I ask "Are you here for the summer?" While trying not to sound too excited.

"Yes actually. My Grandpa got me a job here after all these years. So you'll be seeing me a lot" he said with a wink as he laughed. "But hopefully you don't just come to visit me when you need to borrow my clothes" he chuckled.

Grapefruits! I forgot about my coke covered dress... AGAIN! Oh and just a warning I tend to yell out random fruits when I'm upset...

"Here come with me to my tack room. I have extra stuff in there" he said turning and walking down the hallway of the stable.

Niall had really grown up. He wasn't that dorky little kid anymore. And my bananas that boy was strong. He picked me up like I was nothing and he just through around the pallets of hay like they were made out of air. I followed him down the long corridor. I took my time. It had been a while since is I'd been there. I looked in all the stalls at all the horses that weren't racing. They were beautiful animals. Strong. Brave. Beautiful. Everything I wanted to be.

"Here Emily. I don't know what will fit you but you can look through here." Interrupting my thought as I walked into his tack room.

"Thanks so much for doing this Niall" I said to him. I walked over to the wall of clothes and grabbed the smallest pair of jockey pants I could find and a big t-shirt. Niall closed the door so I could change but I heard him leaning against the outside of the door.

"You ride?" I asked aloud as I struggled to unzip my dress.

"Um not really. I'm to big to race. Those jockey pants are extras in case something happens to the others." He told me casually.

"But u like to ride?" I said as I struggle to pull up the pants.

"Ya I love it. It's one of the greatest feeling in the world!"

"Strawberries!" I Yelled as I made a big crash noise as I hit the wall.

"Are you ok?"

"Ya I'm fine. I just tripped." I could here him chuckle out side the door. I slipped on the big white t-shirt. I looked into the mirror and realized it was a 5SOS shirt. My favorite band.

I walked out of the tack room to find Niall waiting for me.

He looked at me for a second and chuckled "that's my shirt".

"Oh I'm sorry I can go change..."

"No no. It looks good on you" he said with a smile. Um is it just me or is it hot in here all of the sudden...

"So you like 5 Seconds Of Summer?" I asked quickly changing the subject as I could feel myself starting to blush.

"Of course! They are my favorite band!" He practically yelled.

"Mine to! They are amazing!" I squealed back.

After a few seconds of silence he said "We'll I should get going. The race is almost over and horses are gonna be coming in...." Was he upset? Why did he sound sad? Wait. Did he say the race was almost over? I was supposed to go to the box! Blueberries!

"Thank you so much for the clothes Niall. I promise to bring them back." I told him.

"Don't worry about it. Ill see you later." He yelled as I ran towards the elevator. My mom is so gonna kill me.


Sorry it took so long guys. Been sort of busy :/ but I promise to he the next part out there ASAP! Love you guys! Tell me what you think so far! PLEASE COMMENT!!!


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