Chapter 7: The Elevator

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Chapter 7: The Elevator

Right as I go to text back Harry my screen does black with the spinning white ball of death. Of course it has to die now! I step into the elevator and ride down with my mom.

"Soooo... Do you like him?" She asks like a 5 year old little girl!

"What who? Harry?" I shout as if I'm being interrogated.

"No his uncle" she says sarcastically as she rolls her eyes. "Harry is quite handsome! Has he asked you out?" She squeals my direction.

"What? Mom no! I've known him for less than 2 hours and he spilled coke all over me because I ran into him! There's no way he likes me!" I state as if I'm talking to the 5 year old my mother has just become.

"Oh honey you are blind! He is completely smitten with you! He asked for you number for Pete's sake!"

"First of all... Nobody says smitten anymore." I say as she rolls her eyes yet again. "And second... Were you ease dropping on us?" I demand!

"Well..." An she was interrupted by the ding of the door. And in walked oh watermelons whats his name! I just met him! Agh! Mangos it's um. Um. Mr.... Mr... Mr. Malik. Yea I think that's right. He a business associate with my father... I think.

"Hello Zayn" my mother said calmly. But she looked a little tense.

"What floor Mr. Malik?" I ask him.

"Mira.... The Second please Emily." Said the older man.

The elevator became awkwardly silent and all I can here is the cheesy elevator music. I just want to put in my headphones... But of course... my phones dead. When the elevator hits our floor I all but sprint out of the most awkward 4 by 6 space I have ever been in. Why was that so awkward? I don't know.

But then I see it. That stupid trophy. His trophy. Displayed in a big case with lots of flowers all around it. I want to smash it. It's just another reminder. I quickly run outside before the tears come. I get in the car and plug in my phone. Desperate for the music to play again.


Hey guys sorry it's short :P but I'm having a little bit of a writers block.


Sorry :P hope your having a great summer!!!! Thanks for reading!


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