13 Things About This Dork

105 9 14

Yeah... Hai

I was tagged by mikeslegs to do this.


1. I am left handed.

2. I have a skin disease called eczema.

3. My favorite movie is Gone With the Wind. (Clockwork Orange is 2nd)

4. I am the youngest of three 😦 dear lord help me

5. I'm an introvert. That means I'm rather quiet, shy, and think more than say.

6. I am Scorpio.

7. My favorite actors are Charlie Chaplin, Heath Ledger, Michael Fassbender, Kevin Spacey, and Graham Chapman.

8. My favorite food are potatoes and my favorite drink is apple juice.

9. My favorite genres of music are classic rock, hard rock, soft rock, classic alternative, punk, metal, classical, swing, and the bubbly piano shit they play in silent films.

10. My favorite guitarist is Jimmy Page, my favorite singer is Robert Plant, my favorite bassist is John Entwistle, and surprisingly, my favorite drummer is Keith Moon (tho I'm Bonham trash).

11. My favorite book is To Kill a Mockingbird.

12. My favorite album is Tommy by The Who.

13. My favorite director is Fritz Lang or Christopher Nolen.

Okay, for this meme thing, I tag..

Beatles_are_a_Need .

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