A rant over musicians who can be dicks

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I love Roger Waters.

Like, a lot.

He's my baby.

He's adorable.

Yet, I have a slight problem with him...

He was sort of a dick in the 70s.

Don't believe me? I'll give you a reason why.

He kicked Rick Wright out of the band because,
1. He felt like he wasn't "contributing" enough to the band (which is complete bullshit btw. Wright wrote plenty of their music and sang plenty of their songs)

2. Wright had too many "personal problems" (Well Roger they're his problems. They didn't have anything to do with the music and your precious Wall. Get over it.)

3. His ego. (Which I love but still.)

Now I know Rog and Rick made up and they no longer had any sort of problems afterwards, but still.

C'mon Rog.

Moving on...

Mick Jagger and Keith Richards.

God where do I start with these two.

1. They talked shit about Brian Jones behind his back, causing him to undergo random crying outbursts and not contribute to the band.

2. They didn't give credit to Brian and claimed they found the band, which they didn't. Brian did. Bill Wyman proved that.

3. They didn't let Brian write any songs.

4. They didn't go to Brian's funeral.

5. They treated Mick Taylor like utter shit.

Note: I still love Mick n Keef, but guys, those were some dick moves.

I'll talk about more musicians who were sort of douchy later.

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