Chapter 1 - How to find a suitable companion

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Chapter 1 - How to find a suitable companion

Flynn Logan saw her enter town, and he knew that he was in the deepest trouble of his life, even surviving another war zone would have been easier than dealing with her. He stared at her, unable to remove his gaze and trepidation like no other took over him.

He knew her name without her ever telling him, and not for the first time in his life did he curse the gift that his grandmother had given him. He remembered the first time he had dreamed of her, which he had told his grandmother all about. She had smiled mysteriously, nodded her head as if everything was perfectly fine, and told him not to worry.

He watched, as the woman drove her expensive car confidently down the dusty road and passed him by without any notice. His many dreams of her flooded his mind in their kaleidoscope of images, and he cursed his so called 'gift' once again.

He tried to push those disturbing thoughts aside that he had about the stunning, blonde haired woman by focusing on his work, but even that was difficult. Questions continuously streamed through his mind that he wanted to know about her, things that his sparse dreams hadn't given him.

"Flynn, will you get a fucking grip?" his best friend, Dexter Sullivan, who was also his partner in the veterinary practice, grabbed his attention.

"Sorry." Flynn answered, as he faced the cow who was in the middle of calving.

"What the fuck is on your damn mind?" Dexter snapped. "You've been spacing out like this all day."

"Nothing." Flynn answered sullenly.

"At least talk to the damn cow!"

Flynn was well known as the animal whisperer in their town. He had never managed to get on terribly well with humans, but he saw animals as kin and they responded in like to him.

His job today was to calm down this poor cow, who was finding it difficult to bear her first calf, and he was having trouble succeeding at that. He turned his focus to the suffering animal and helped her to settle. Shortly after, one sodden, wet calf appeared. The tired mother took over and Flynn breathed a sigh of relief.

Dexter spent the rest of the day badgering him about his earlier distraction, which only made Flynn surlier and more tightly lipped. Dexter knew him well, but had never understood the premonitions that Flynn had. Dexter had laughed them off for years, so he never mentioned them anymore.

Thankfully, his friend left him alone when Flynn went completely silent. As the afternoon wore on and their appointments grew less, Dexter looked at him strangely, but said nothing more to antagonise him.

"Ah, hi, excuse me." A sweet, feminine voice called out from the front of the office.

Flynn closed his eyes and dragged in a deep breath, hoping that it kept him calm. He knew it was her. He didn't even have to walk into the reception area to recall that curly blonde hair, or that pretty face. He wanted to pretend that he didn't hear her and to walk away, but he knew that this woman had a say in his destiny, whether he liked it or not.

"Hello." Dexter's smooth, charming voice made Flynn's heart fall.

Of course his friend would make it to her before he could, and maybe in the long run that would actually be a good thing. Dexter would also smile, laugh and flirt, leaving Flynn without a chance.

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