Chapter 9 - How to discover the truth

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Chapter 9 – How to discover the truth

"Flynn!" the abrupt voice changed the dream where he was about to remove Aria's dress.


He blinked, sensing a strangeness occupying his world. A voice which sounded too much like his grandmothers interrupted his dream. He tried to return to his dream with Aria, but to no avail.

"By all the Gods, Flynn Logan, you don't deserve to have dreams like that about a girl you pushed away without a care."


"You bet your sweet bippy it's me! I'll warn you now I'm livid at your behaviour."

With a sickening swirl, the world moved around him. He moaned, and shook his head as the last of the sexy dream cleared away, leaving his grandmother in its place.

Her grey hair sat high upon her head in its ever tidy bun. The green and blue paisley dress they buried her in swirled around her body as she crossed her arms. She stood with a glare in her eyes and a sternness, which didn't bode well for him.

"What are you doing in my dreams?" he muttered.

"I'm trying to break you out of this funk where you think you don't deserve the one woman who the God's made for you!" she snapped.

"That makes no sense. Hey, I might be having a normal dream, which would be a first." Flynn cheered.

"This is more than prophetic! I'm here to kick your butt, young man. When you first dreamt about her what did I tell you?"

"I don't remember. I was sixteen and having dreams about a girl I'd never seen before, it seemed fine."

"I told you to look out for her, and she would be your guiding light in life. Did you listen to nothing?" she raised her voice.

"What are you trying to tell me?"

"I am stating with a clear mind that my grandson is an imbecile. Do you think every man on this planet is given the woman of their dreams? No, they are not, but you have one handed to you, and what do you do? You hand her a cat and tell her she bothers you. Where did I go wrong with you?"


"Don't you grandma me! You will make this right. I am not in any way going to become a laughingstock over here because my grandson is a moron."

"What do you expect me to do? It's been days, and she has said nothing."

"I wouldn't speak to you either if you treated me that way."

"I've been a dick to her, I know, but I..."

"There is no 'but' needed here. Get on your knees and grovel if you must. If you don't Flynn, then your life is going to be a hell you never saw coming."

His grandmother disappeared, and the world went black around him. A picture cleared in front of him, and dread punched him hard in the chest.

The house he had built stood trashed, with windows broken and smashed walls. Items from his house lay strewn across the lawn in messy disarray. In amongst the rubble, he saw a drunken visage of himself. He tossed back another bottle of whisky before ranting to the sky.

"Without her, Flynn, this is your future."

"No!" Flynn woke up shouting the word.

He shuddered as the images settled into his mind with brutal finality. Was that his world without Aria? Even the thought of destroying his house left him feeling sick. He hadn't built his life to have it fall apart over a woman. The guilt from earlier in the week when he treated her with such harshness reared its head.

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