Chapter 10 - How to save yourself

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Chapter 10 – How to save yourself

Without Flynn to focus on, Aria found her days turning to drawn out depressing depths.  Tara's attempt to contact her the previous day had only led her down further. With Lara out of communication while attending a retreat, a loneliness crept in that made her tearful.

Her only bright light came from Button. The little kitten curled up on her lap whenever she sat on the couch. Her purr rattled through her little body, and vibrated with joyful glee through Aria. She always cuddled into the bed, and sometimes Aria woke up to find the kitten sleeping on top of her.

Her only problem came this morning when Button didn't move out of the bed coverings with her normal scamper. Button seemed sluggish with jerky movements that concerned her.

The last thing she wanted was to hear Flynn say I told you so, not that he would spend a moment talking to her now. Her constant need to get his attention had destroyed any chance she had with him.

She chose to ignore thoughts of Flynn and concentrate on her sick kitten. She rang around veterinarians in the nearby towns to find no appointments available. Gritting her teeth, she made an appointment at Flynn's work, making sure to ask for Dexter. She couldn't bear to take Button to Flynn.

Entering the veterinary clinic left her distraught. Last week she saw a future with a man here, now all she had was a sick kitten. She prayed that Flynn wouldn't come out and see her there, it would make her feel worse.

"You're a bit early to be dropping Flynn's lunch off today." The receptionist said with a smile.

"I'm not here to see Flynn, I'm here about my cat, and I made an appointment with Dexter." Aria replied.

"I see. Give me a moment." She stood and stormed into the back office.

Flynn saw Miranda, their receptionist coming his way with anger in her eyes. He didn't have any time or patience for her nonsense, and this woman had a habit of throwing it at him.

"What did you do to her?" Miranda thrust a finger into his chest.

"I don't have fucking time for your rubbish. Tell me whatever it is and leave me alone." Flynn glared at her, but Miranda's eyes narrowed preparing for a fight.

"That pretty little blonde woman who brought you lunch most days last week wants to see Dexter. Tell me what you did to her!"

"Fuck." Flynn stilled and closed his eyes.

"I'll see Aria." Dexter smirked at him from the back room.

"No, you fucking won't." Flynn growled.

"I figured." Dexter's sly grin had him wanting to punch his friend.

"She doesn't want to see you." Miranda shook her finger.

"She's going to whether she likes it or not."

Before Miranda could stop him, Flynn moved towards the front of the clinic. He pushed through the door, and in amongst the others waiting he saw her. Her downcast expression increased the guilt flaring inside him. She looked sad, which he wanted to fix, but with no idea of how to help her. He didn't like seeing her this way. He wanted the feisty, determined woman who pushed his emotions to the limit.


She glanced up at him, and the murky blue of her eyes spoke volumes. She bit down on her lip showing an uncertainty he had never seen in her before. He had treated her in such a horrible way that she wouldn't even hold his gaze.

"Come here." He crooked a finger at her.

"No, I have an appointment." She looked to the ground and he noticed the cat carrier. He walked straight over to her, fearing for the little runt he had thrust upon her.

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