Chapter 2 - How to utterly embarrass one's self

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Chapter 2 – How to utterly embarrass one's self

Aria's fury drove her home. Why did he invite her over if he knew that he wouldn't let her have one of his kittens? What kind of person was he to be so mean?

She felt tears glaze her eyes, as she pulled up in her driveway with a flurry of dust. She forced the anger and tears back with great difficulty, but that only gave the disappointment the ability to rein supreme.

Her kitten had to be the most adorable little being who she had ever seen in her life. She could tell that it was obviously the smallest one in the litter. Did he think that she wouldn't care for a kitten if it were sick?

She stormed inside and wondered if Lara would be home. She really needed to talk to someone about this, and her last remaining best friend would understand.

"Are you at home?" Aria sent off the text.



"Turning it on now." Her friend replied.

Aria rushed to her computer set up in her front room. She could only pray that her internet would work as good as the guy had claimed that it would. Her desperate need to vent only increased with every passing second.

"What's up?"

Lara appeared on the screen decidedly dishevelled. Her normally perfectly groomed straight brown hair stuck up around her pretty face in disarray. A sleepy look filled her light green eyes and she yawned.

"Sorry, I didn't think that you'd be sleeping this early." Aria quickly apologised.

"It doesn't matter. Is this something to do with Tara and James?" Lara yawned again.

"No, why would it?" Aria tried not to feel the sting at hearing the two names together.

"Because you look furious."

"This has to do with my next door neighbour." Aria snapped off the last word icily.

"Oh, so another antagonistic person. Are they going to make you run thousands of miles away from your family and friends?" Lara asked sarcastically.

"Will you please let it go, Lars? I'm not coming back, or at least not until I feel better about everything." Aria sighed and put her head in her hands.

"I know, but I miss you and I want you back here," Lara rubbed a finger along her brow. "They were the ones that fucked up. They should have left, not you."

"You are always so damn stubborn."

"Says the person who moved away."

"Maybe this wasn't the best idea." Aria sighed.

"Alright, let's talk about this horribly, nasty neighbour. I'll leave the fact that you abandoned your legions of fans and your loyal band member aside for now." Lara sighed dramatically to outdo her friend.

"Lars, do you understand why I don't want to come back?"

"Going to jail for murdering one of your best friends probably isn't the best plan, so yes, I understand." Lara smiled wryly at her friend.

"Good, not that there would be any murdering going on." Aria frowned.

"Whatever, continue with the annoying neighbour story." Lara waved her hand around.

"You know how I wanted a kitten?"

"Yes, and I clearly recall discouraging you from becoming a cat lady at such a young age." Lara chided and Aria deliberately rolled her eyes.

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