Chapter 6 - How to avoid the obvious

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Chapter 6 – How to avoid the obvious

The stifling air in the truck ride to town made Aria squirms in her seat. She had too many questions she wanted to ask, but her mind remained flustered after that kiss. Neither had spoken since she broke the kiss, he bandaged her ankle and helped her into his mammoth truck in silence.

"Where did you hear that name? Only a handful of people, most of them family and friends know that's my name." She asked into the quiet.

"I knew it started with those damn ducks, but I couldn't leave well enough alone." He shook his head, leaving her perplexed.

"What are you saying?" her pointed glance only made his jaw clench tighter.

"I'm taking you to the doctor and that's all."

"Are you refusing to tell me? Nobody knows that name because I hate that name, so how do you?" she glared at him.

"I'll talk about why I'm keeping the kitten." His face closed off, and she sighed.

"Why don't we talk about why you kissed me?" she crossed her arms.

"'No." His expression deepened into surliness.

"Fine, tell me why Button can't be mine."

"She's sick. I didn't want her to die on you. Sometimes it's hard to keep the runts alive." He admitted.

"Did you think that I'd blame you if she died?"

"I didn't mean to snap at you that night. Hoping one of the healthier ones would choose you was a bad assumption, but I will let you take one of the other ones." He told her, but that only rattled the cage of her anger.

"As I've said before, I don't want any other; even if Button is sick, I still want her." She thumped her hand on the armrest.

"Ky-aria, she may not survive."

"I don't want you to call me that name." She growled.

"I can't help it when I know it's your name." His fingers tightened on the steering wheel.

"I want her. I'll pay you whatever you want, but I want Button and none of the others." Aria replied with determination while trying to ignore his use of that horrible name.

"Stop being so stubborn! You may have years with one of the other's, because the runt may not last into the next month."

"Then I'll spend a month making her the happiest, most spoilt kitten ever."

"I'm not talking about this anymore." He thumped the steering wheel and went quiet.

She tried to engage him in conversation again, but he remained sullen and silent. She narrowed her eyes on him until he pulled up in front of a house that in no way resembled a doctor's office.

"Where are we?" she looked at the home with suspicion.

He continued with his silent treatment as he came around to help her out of the truck. She leaned on the arm he offered as she limped her way towards the house.

"Flynn, what took you so long?" a woman scurried out of the house to come to their aid.

"Arguing with the most stubborn woman who I have ever met takes time." Flynn answered with a glare at Aria.

"You must be Aria. I'm Katie Allen, the GP in town. Can I say you look familiar?" Katie looked at her with curiosity alighting her eyes.

"It's her ankle that's the problem here, Kate. I think that it's only a slight sprain." Flynn, brusque as ever, dragged the woman's attention away and Aria glanced at him.

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