Chapter 4 - How to allow ducks to influence your life

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Chapter 4 – How to allow ducks to influence your life

Two weeks later, he awoke from another erotic dream about his neighbour. He cursed, as he sat up in bed covered in sweat. His dreams were only becoming increasingly vivid and detailed, so he cursed his premonition on an hourly basis.

Never in his life had his visions been so clear, nor had they ever changed or adapted the way that they were now. Usually, he had one vision, which repeated up until the moment it came true, and then Aria Williams walked into his life destroying all of that.

Here he was trying to avoid her, exactly as she had asked, but every night she appeared in sexy reminders of exactly what could be. He stared at the ceiling and willed his body under control. He flopped back on the bed, glad that it was Sunday and that he had nothing to do.

The one thing that he had planned to do today was to visit his sister and his niece. He knew that his sister had never had premonitions, but he needed to discuss this with someone, or he would go insane from keeping it all to himself.

At her small bungalow, in the heart of their town, he could breathe a little easier. Lissa, his fourteen-year-old niece barrelled into him straight away and demanded hugs, which he laughingly gave her.

He really should make more time to visit his only family in the area now. He missed seeing their familiar faces and they never judged him, which he always appreciated.

"Why haven't you come over more often?" Lissa accused without even a greeting.

"Work." He replied with a shrug.

"You are coming to my fifteenth birthday party, aren't you? It's going to be awesome."

"Lissa, it's a month and a half away," Flynn pointed out, but Lissa crossed her arms and stared him down.

"So? I want to know now. Are you going to bring Dexter with you again?" she turned a little dreamy and he sighed.

"Of course I'm going to come over, you silly little git."

"No more name calling, or I'm telling mum."

"Go right ahead. You know that she'll just call you a sillier git." He laughed.

"You two are so mean." Lissa pouted.

"He learnt from the best, honey," Lissa's mother, Jean said, as she walked into the room. "What brings you our way?" she asked, as she hugged her brother.

"Maybe I just wanted to see my two favourite people in the world." He flattered and she snorted.

"The real story, please." Jean's disparaging look made him laugh and feel more relaxed.

"You know me too well, but I can't tell you in front of Lissa."

"Oh, it's one of those." She tapped her nose in a conspiring manner. "Lissa, go next door and visit Koby." Jean ordered.

"But Flynn just got here." Lissa whined.

"Go!" Jean pointed to the door and her daughter reluctantly headed towards it. "C'mon in and sit down." She gestured to the lounge when she heard the door shut.

He looked towards his sister, noting the smile lines around her eyes that he had never seen before. She was older by two years, but her dark hair and hazel eyes showed the family resemblance.

Flynn sat there for a long moment having no clue where to start. He wasn't even sure if his sister knew anything about his premonitions. He sighed, scrubbed a hand through his hair, and looked at one of the only people who knew him, beside Dexter.

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