Chapter 8 - How to destroy something

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Chapter 8 – How to destroy something

Saying goodbye to Lara became a bittersweet moment. She loved her friend and she would miss her, but she couldn't start her Flynn project until she left. Driving back from the airport she decided that it was time to put her plan into motion.

She went straight to town, hoping to take Flynn some lunch. She would not let this fantastic attraction between them go until she explored it, no matter what Flynn thought about her.

With a paper bag in hand, she strode into Flynn workplace. The yip of dogs and the smell of disinfectant greeted her nose as she entered. The middle aged woman behind the counter looked curious at her presence.

"Hello, may I help you?" the woman tossed her straight blonde hair over her shoulder as she spoke, and Aria envied her smooth tresses.

"I'm looking for Flynn, I brought him some lunch." Aria shook the bag, as the woman's eyebrows headed towards the sky.

"I'll see if he's busy," the woman never took her eyes from Aria as she lifted the telephone receiver and spoke. "Flynn, you're needed out here."

The reply sounded short and sharp, including a grunt, "Is he coming?" Aria asked when the woman hung up the phone, but she pointed to the doors behind her, which flung open.

Even a grumpy Flynn looked good to Aria's eyes. With surprise, she realised she had missed him more than she realised. His hazel eyes flashed to hers and the glare softened.

"Ky, what can I do for you?"

"Can we discuss this where we don't have an audience?" Aria's look took in the gawping stares.

"Sure, come in."

He led her to the same office where he last accused her of being an alcoholic. The same haphazard pile of papers clogged the desk space and Aria frowned.

"I think you need a bookkeeper." She pointed to the mess.

"Not as such. What brings you here?" He leaned against the desk with an intent look at her.

"I wanted to thank you for taking care of me when I hurt my ankle." She handed him the paper bag.

"What's this?"

"Lunch. I hope you like it. The woman said it was your favourite, but she also smirked at me, so I wasn't sure what to believe."

"You don't owe me anything." He replied as he accepted the bag.

"I do, you were patient with me and now I feel like brand new." She lifted her ankle to show him.

"You should continue to rest it as often as you can."

"Yes, doc." She winked at him, but instead of a positive response, he scowled.

"Is there anything else?"

"No, okay, yes." She twitched her fingers together.

"What is it?"

"How can you continue to ignore what's between us? We are dynamite together and I want my dreams to start coming true." She fluttered her eyelashes at him, but his grumpiness increased.

He crossed his arms, "It won't work."

"How do you know? If you don't give us a chance then you might miss out on something great."

"I'm not discussing this anymore. Thank you for the lunch, but I have work to do."

He moved her out of the door before she could protest. She frowned as she stared at the door to his office. Why did he keep acting impossible about something that could be life changing? She narrowed her eyes, her determination only growing, somehow she would get through to him.

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