Chapter 7 - How to add the other foot

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Chapter 7 – How to add the other foot

"I think it's time to talk about Tara." Lara said on the fifth day of her stay.

"You waited until we were in the car, didn't you?" Aria accused.

"Of course! You wouldn't talk about it unless I trapped you into it, I know you too well," Lara nodded and her friend groaned. "It's a drive into town so start with the talking."

"Did you have a clue?"

"No, or I would've told you, Dummy. It amazes me how they ever kept it a secret with the all hands thing they do now." Lara made a disgusted face.

"Don't tell me those things."

"You never even told me how you found out about their affair."

"Maureen told me she noticed them kissing." Aria gulped down the acid taste in her mouth.

She recalled the day well. Rain had poured down from a stormy sky and she wondered if their show for that night might be flooded. Aria had sat in her trailer wondering if she should find James when a hammering came on her door.

Maureen, one of their merchandise salespeople stood soaked from the rain. After letting her in, the woman babbled about the couple straight away, her sympathy overwhelming her face.

She had to see the truth for herself; Aria had marched over to James trailer as lightning cracked above her. She ripped open his door and stared through her saturated hair at the naked couple on the bed. She remembered the laughter bubbling from her lips before the anger took hold and she yelled at them.

"You know that we're still under contact?" Lara warned and Aria nodded.

"I'm well aware of that."

"We will be sued for our last cent." Lara looked downcast.

"No, don't you recall I wouldn't sign anything until I was happy with the clauses?"

"You never explained the changes."

"I'm sure James doesn't remember them." Aria smirked.

"Are you telling me that the mischievous Aria from high school still exists?" Lara's impish smile appeared when she nodded.

"She might, but I'm not blowing up frogs in microwaves anymore."

"That was only because that idiot Barry dared you." Lara defended her actions.

"Cleaning that up was the most disgusting thing I ever had to do." Aria shuddered.

"Back to the topic."

"I wanted to protect us from each other, so I made a clause to do just that. The company wasn't happy about it, but they wanted us to sign. I made it so if one of us left then the contract becomes void." Aria swished a hand in a decisive swoop.

"I bet you never considered you and me when you wrote that." Lara shook her head.

"No, Tara's always been the fickle one."

"What happens if they take us to court?"

"They will waste their time and money." Aria replied with a smug grin.

"Thank the Gods for diabolical Aria." Lara raised her hand for a high five and Aria complied.

"It shows I trusted none of us."

"Ars, I couldn't give a shit about that, you trusted me, and that's all I need." Lara reached over and squeezed her friends arm.

"You had my back from the first day I met you."

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