chapter two

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"IF this is how you're going to tollerate other students I don't believe you can be anymore part of this school" The headmisteress said to Zaxin, He nodded in understandment but didn't utter a word knowing that only foal language will be exposed. *Unless they are-* His thoughts were interrupted by someone barging into the office, one of the students who would constantly flirt with Zaxin everytime she had a chance had a blue eye now and a bleeding nose while holding onto her ribcase tightly. "She.....That whitch!" "Who are you talking about?"Zaxin asked only wishing she could dissapear already. "Ang...." Sandra could'nt finish her sentence due to the fact it she had sufnifficant pain in her ribcase but Zaxin didn't need her to finish, he knew who she was talking about.

His expression grew ice cold..*Angelique is going down*
"Zaxin" the headmisteress said her tone expressing his own. "Sort her out while i deal with this one" she finished. Zaxin was a deliquent of his own, mostly known for torturing other students in the school but it seemed like Angelique reflexted his own manners.

The headmisteress understood Zaxin better then any other. For the past 5 years he has enrolled in her school making half of the other students life hell and her job harder. But he never did something without a reason. "Sit" the headmissteress said to Sandra. Sandra gladly sunk into the seat infront of the desk "ma'm she..." "Not a word futher more Sandra" Sandra looked confused and waited for the woman infront of her to continue. "I want you to stay out of that girls way" "But ma'm she-" "Sandra. You and I both know what type of person you are, therefore I'll let her off the hook, knowing your actions you mostlikely went looking for it!"

*I'll get you back, and i wont let her go untill she breaks* The words passed like venom and was on the tip of Sandra's tounge to blurt out.


Angelique sat in the nurse's room while Zaxin went to find a medical kit, her nuckles where busted and blood pickels were visible under those who weren't, thoughts of what could've happend if she walked away rushed through her mind making her overwelming. The room felt suddenly smaller as she found the little mirror against the wall. Slowly she stood up and glansed in it for a second, she barely regognised herself these days. Each day she gets worse, a temper uncontrolable making her face look ice cold. Her blond hair was loose slightly wavy hung till her shoulder blades. Her cat like eyes blue but hinted with some kind of misty effect. As if it hid sadness . But only those who knew her long enough would've seen it and not mistaken it for emotionless, the frown between her eyes always gave of the sense of anger, her eyebrows formed perfectly which indicated towards her high standards in herself. And then she looked at her lips, slowly touching it. Her bottom lip full in a rose colour, her upper one in a thin line, to think she wouldve looked beautiful if it wasnt..... "-Angel?" Zaxin asked from behind her, snappimg her out of her dose. He saw her jaw clensed. Figuring that she hated it when he called her that while quite some time ago she would've flushed by the sound of his voice. Quickly clearing his throat he grabbed her hand and inspected it for any form of brokeness. When he found none he cleaned up the blood but soon noticed that the cuts where deaper then suspected. "Why?" He asked her. Her eyes met his for the first time since he started cleaning up. She almost forgot too let her guard down and answered "Sandra and her minions.... a little boy, uhm" quickly placing her hand to her forhead she tried pulling herself to reality. Zaxin noticed it but didn't ask any questions. Reminding himself that she's no longer part of his concern. "They bullied Duncan" she finally finished. Zaxin stood there in pause for a moment grabbing the stitching kit. "You know him?" Angelique asked. *if you only knew what i did* he thought to himself but only answered by a slight nod.

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