chapter 10

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Zaxin couldn't sleep one bit that night, he would often find his mind wondering off to Angelique. Why she ever had an abortion. Why she was ashamed of it. Why she beated up John over something in the past. Why she didnt want him to know. It was hard for him to even consider the fact to forget that she had an abortion. To him it was one thing killing adults but another killing a life not yet lived. Eventually after 3 am he managed to fall asleep.

Angelique was drying her hair when Duncan came running into her room and jumped on her bed. "Morning" he shouted over the noise of the hairdryer. Angelique only smiled at him and told him to go and wake his father.  A few minutes later Zaxin walked into her room rubbing his eyes which gave Angelique a moment to enjoy the few. He was muscular. He was tall. He was everything good. The hair on his chest curled slightly , is abs were ripped and his arms were big. His dark brown hair were ruffled and his freckells on his face were perfect. The dark brown eyes looked at her wearingly and she instantly knew he didn't have much sleep. Quickly she commanded for Duncan to go shower so that she and Zaxin could have alone time. When Duncan was out of the room Zaxin didn't waste much time. He fell face first into the bed next to Angelique and burried his face into the side of her robe which she wore. "You didn't sleep much did you?"  "Hmmm" was his only respond.   "You want to talk?"  "Yeah" "ok good so-" "Why didn't you ever tell me you had an abortion?" Angelique stood up studdenly pale and closed her bedroom door. "So he told u I had an abortion?"  Zaxin frown, confused of the truth.  Angrlique chuckled and sat on the bed  legs crossed. Causing more of her thigh to be exposed then usual. This obviously wasn't helping with the morning situation Zaxin was having at the moment.     "Just tell me the truth Angel" Zaxin said frustrated.   Sighing , Angelique gatherd up the little curage she had left and replied. "It was a miscarage, no abortion. I' actually love children and you know that. Why would I even consider an abortion?"   "Why did-" "Because that's what I told everyone" Zaxin waited anxiously.  "I was involved in the wrong shit. Coke. My dealer- turned into my fiancé. He wouldve been a great person if he didn't have some....issues. Anyway. We lived with his brother who was a alcoholic and then when Cornelious - my fiancé- had to work late one night....-"  Zaxin could see by now that Angelique was digging too deep to remember it all. Like she forced herself to forget. "'...He  tried to take advantage of a pregnant druggie. I got out of the house before he could grab me but just as I reached the front gate I slipped. Fell. Baby gone."    "Why did you tell everyone you had an abortion?" "By saying I had an abortion leads to no futher questions, only personal ones like 'why' or stuff but if I say I had a miscarrage... it leads to even more questions and relates back to Cornelious."     Zaxin somehow still tried to take in everything. It was hard for him to accept. It was hard to believe. It was just unacceptable for his mind to process. He could see the sorrow and hurt on Angeliques face. "How old were you?" He asked softly. "17. Cornelious was 18.... After the miscarrage we all fell apart. I always knee they all were messed up but.... never thought it could take something like that to break them apart.  Corny-Cornelious couldn't live with it. Started abusing me. Thats when I started to run to Nana's. She knows bout everything."   "He hurt you?" Angelique chuckled at the frown that formed between Zaxin's eyes. "only once, untill John came to pick up stash one night when Cornelious tried to do it for the second time. John knew everyone cause he was a regular- and then John saw what Cornelious did- so John beaten him up." "Where does these.... scums live Angel?" Zaxin asked dangerously. Angelique stood up from the bed and walked towards her closet, let her robe fall to the ground allowing the back of her naked body to be exposed,several scars and fresh cuts on her back too. Zaxin tried to stay focused on the answer he was seeking and asked again.  Angelique chuckled and finally answerd while looking for cloths to wear. "Oh dead"   "I'm serious Angelique." Angelique looked over her shoulder and answered. "So am I. Next morning when I showed up at their house to get my stuff I found Cornelious' brother shot in the head lying dead on the kitchen floor. And Cornelious hunged himself in our bed room."   Zaxin looked bewilderd. Shocked that Angelique could speak so freely of it without any care in the world. As if she read his thoughts she said. "Like you've seen. I'm not that girl you knew back then. I've grown cold. I've grown up. But I had my share of drugs. I'm just playing a little rebellious." And with a wink she turned her back to Zaxin once again and started dressing

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