Chapter nine

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"Our bodies are capable of anything, it's our minds we have to convince"

Punch. Kick. Punch. Punch. High kick. Low kick. Punch. Punch.  The sound against the punching bag was the only thing hearable, the slight tapment quick on the mat as  Angelique trained. The sweat prickled down her skin. Her eyes focused on what was before her. The punching bag. As if the bag did all those bad things to her. As if the bag was the one who tortured her, ashamed her. Gave her a reason to fight.

Zaxin cracked the boxing room door open slightly and froze in his steps. Angelique's back was turned to him. Her blond hair was in a tight bun leaving her back exposed. She was only wearing a yoga pants with bandages wrapped around her feet and fists. Her torso was bare, he tried to focus but her back was ripped with muscles, the skin white as milk making the black ink on her right shoulder seem darker. He couldn't quite see what was written on the back of her shoulder but he knew it was something important. He swallowed *when did you even get ink?* the words ran through his mind.  The sudden sound of the door closing behind him made him jump. He was so busy staring at her he forgot to hold the door. He didn't even notice that he walked into the boxing room at all. Angelique stopped in her tracks and quikly rounded the bag to the boxong crate, her back still towards Zaxin. Quickly she pulled over a white cotton tank top that fitted well with her body. She turned around a frown emediatly between her eyes. 

"What do you want?" She asked coldly.   Zaxin quite taken back by her coldness. She was still breathing rappidly and took a towl and tapped it against her face.  Zaxin swallowed and cleared his throat. "Hi" he barely got out. Mentally cursing himself for sounding so unstable.  Angelique walked towards the door passing him walking out of the room. Zaxin following her hot on her heels. "Why did you come?" She askes him walking towards the exit of the building. "Too take you back" "Funny."   Right then little Duncan came through the doors. "Angel!" He shouted running towards her.    Zaxin stood frozen behind her not sure what to say. "Guess he heard that from you" Angelique hissed before smiling brightly at the boy infront of her.

"Where were you?" Duncan asked gumpyly staring up at Angelique. "Here" Angelique said sarcasticly a slight smile on her face. "Daddy said you went on vacation and forgot to tell us and that were joining you" "Now he did?and what did your daddy say else?" She asked amusement and curiosity lingured in her voice.  Zaxin mentally punched himself in regretment of telling his son so much.   "Daddy also said that you two used to like eachother so is it true Angel? Did u like my daddy?" Angelique suddenly felt sufficated unable to answer Duncan.   "Duncan that's enough. It's been a long day and I'm tired." Zaxin said coldly taking his son's hand and leaving the building.     Angelique stood there watching the back of a grown man who loved her walk out with his son at his side and the sudden urge bolted into her to be part of that picture more then life.

Zaxin just jumped into the driver's side when his phone beeped. Looking at the unknown number he opened the message.
There's enough place too crash at my house. Follow me. A.
"Whose that?" John asked from the passenger side. "Change of plans, we're staying at Angelique's" 

Angelique's bike came to a sudden stand still as the robot turned red. Her mind wonderd as if she was making the right desision. Allowing Zaxin more back into her life then he already is. Zaxin honked the hooter behind her. Her mind snapping to reality and opening up the gas.

They parked infront of an old house with a picked fence and beautiful garden. Zaxin frowned. Angelique's life confused him more now.     *you never had parents.....*    "Come on daddy" Duncan said hopping along with John out of the car heading towards Angelique.    *you've always been an orphan*   the white front door opened. Greetings were exchanged. *you used to be so lonely.....*  an old woman walked onto the porch with a stick. Zaxin inspected the woman closely. Shocked. An cold chill rand down his spine.  "Nana" the word whipering from his lips.

Angelique turned on the shower and started taking off her cloths.
Zaxin sat in the kitchen downstairs having tea with his grandmother. "Where have you been boy?" His grandmother asked. Her tone still steady and stating points.  Her looks were soft and fragile though.   "I was at school Nana"    Zaxin's voice was soft and guilt full. His Nana's the only one in his life who had more power over him then he had over himself. "Don't talk crap boy, last I've seen you was 8 years ago, I almost thought you were dead. If it wasnt for that Angel you lost...."

Angelique climed out of the shower grabbing a towl from the railing she bend over and started rubbing her wet hair in it.

John had his headphones in and made his way over to the bathroom. He was in such a happy mood knowing they've found Angelique and he just lived to spend time with little Duncan. So staring at his facebook feed and humming to the music he walked into the bathroom and a scream echoed his ears way pass the music. He turned around towards the scream and saw Angelique, nude still trying to wrap herself in the small hair towl. John stood there staring at her ripped slim body. It was shocking of how much muscle she had. He always knew she was toned and muscular but never this much. He caught an inch of dark ink spreading over her ribcase and it seemed like roses with torns. Suddenly the door behind him burst open bumping him almost ontop of her. Zaxin stood there furious and shocked at the same time.   "What's going on here?" He lowly growled. Angelique stood there a towl barely covering her body, dumbfolded John staring at her openly right infront of her and Zaxin furious as hell.  Angelique stared between the two men. "Get out!" She shouted furiously and chased both men out of the bathroom.  After shutting the door she sunk to the floor. Trying to take her breathing back to normality but it was nearly impossible.  It wasn't the shock that made her breathing rappidly. It was the look in Zaxin's eyes. The glimps inside his fiercing dark eyes. The lust, the urge, the jealousy and anger.

"Can I have some tomato sauce please?" Duncan asked at table that night putting his best manners forhand. Nana smiled and took the bottle handing it over to the little boy. Duncan took it gladly and poured it onto his meat. But the top of the bottle could only take so much pressure and the cap bursted off. Tomato source spreaded all over his plate and onto his father's T-shirt and the side of his face.   "Oops" was the only thing Duncan said trying too look innocently at his father. Angelique who sat oppiste Zaxin next to Nana began to burst out with laughter and soon after John started laughing too.  Soon the whole room was filled with laughter including the sound of Nana's. And for once it felt for Angelique like she was part of something like she was partly free of the walls she surrounded herself in.

Zaxin stood on the front porch near midnight staring at the stars in the sky. *Why did you come back into my life? Why did you take care of Nana more then yourself? What happend in these past five years that scared you so badly?*    "Do you always tend to stare?" Angeliques voice interrupted him. She came and stood next to him folding her robe tighter around her. "It's been along time since..... I've been away from the riches"    Angelique chuckled and lit a cigarrete. "I know that. Can't blame you for feeling that way, Nana and I always tend to stay humble through everything in life"   Zaxin moved his eyes from the stars to Angelique who stood next to him her being the most beautiful thing what he has seen ever. "That's what makes you pure too me." His answer made her freeze her cigarette mid way towards her mouth. Quickly pulling herself together she asked. "What's your dream Zaxin?" The sterness in her voice made the hair in his neck stood up. He studied her expression figuring that the comment towards her hit a nerv.   "Well graduate I guess"  "You don't even need Graduation"     Zaxin went into alert mode not able to figure out what Angelique already know. "And you? What about you?"   He changed the course of the subject.  *Good save Zaxin* he thought adding an mental happy dance.    Sighing Angelique answered his question "Well, come back to Nana, get a part time job and concerntrate more on boxing. Eben, the coach of the team said he can get me on if  I train hard enough-"  "You want to be a boxer?"    Angelique looked Zaxin straight in the eyes and answered with a serious tone "No, I tend to do what I love, to improve with what I am good at and when I'm done showing the world what I can do, I'd probably go study for a BCOM in accounting."  Zaxin was quite taken back. Watched her throw the bud into the bushes and walk back into the house.   *for someone who was so lost you got it quite all figured out Ang...*

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