Chapter 11

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It was almost around midnight.  The granfather clock downstairs was the only sound hearable throughout the entire house. John was in a deep sleep, Nanna was restless due to an incredible back ace. Zaxin lay in his bed, the window curtians not drawn. Allowing the moonlight to shine into the room, dancing on the floor. He lay there and thought about every moment he has ever spent with Angelique.... his angel.... the only girl.... woman.... he has ever managed to love, to adore, and yet he still had a thick barrior around his heart.

He couldn't quite put his finger on what bothered him the most. The fact that he never could get over Angelique, or the horrible truth she has told him that morning.  He took a hand full of his hair and said a little prayer.

Angelique sat  on the edge of the bed, staring at a photo that she found in an old box under her bed. It was a photo of her and Zaxin, one christmas. The onky diffrence was that they both were happy and much younger. A single tear ran over her cheek.* Why did i ever leave.* she asked herself. And somehow she found herself feeling all alone all of the sudden. Sad and misrable. She wiped away her tears and looked up at the door. Hearing the wooden floor creeking as if someone was making their way towards her room... she wanted to jump to her bedside table and switch off the light but it already seemed too late for that.
Zaxin stood in the doorway. Looking tired and frustrated. Even after he saw Angelique sitting with that photo in her hand it still hadn't change his expression. He closed the door behind him. Angelique only sat frozen on the bed uncertian of what Zaxin's intentions were. He walked over to her and took the photo out of her hand. Just giving a quick glanse at it he threw it on the floor. Before Angelique could do something Zaxin was close. Way to close for anyones personal space. She could smell that he had taken a few shots of whiskey. " drank?" She asked hesitantly. He gently nonned and pushed her back on the bed. He then gently walked over to the other side and slid under the blankets in. Angelique stayed frozen and glansed up at him. "What? You want an invitation?" He asked. She shook her head and crawled in  under the blankets. Quickly turning on her side facing her back towards him *whats going on with him* she thought to herself. Zaxin gave a groan and wrapped one arm around Angeliques waist and pulled her body to his. He snuggeld into her neck and then spoke. "The only reason why I drank is so that I could have enough confidience to do this" then he flipped her onto her back and kissed her. To both of them that kiss was gentle but firing. Firing up a long lost feeling which was asleep for way too long. Angelique pulled back. Panting, reality struck her. She was onky wearing her panties and a thin tank top.  Her legs were parted and Zaxin was rested between them, with no top, only wearing a jockey.  "Wha-" before she could finsih her sentence Zaxin has pushed himself a bit harder against her. She could feel his erection, the warmth and her own wetness. She closed her eyed and laid her hesd back into the pillow. Trying to keeo her hormones in tacked. Zaxin seemed to do the same. But he never took his eyes off of her. Suddenly he felt her hands lightly over his back and then into his neck. She lifted herself a bit and pulled him in for a deep and longing kiss.

A knocking on the door. Angelique opened her eyes and did a quick reality check. She turned around and saw Zaxin wasn't there. The knocking again. "Yeah" she asked. Duncan opend the door and with the goofy smile he always had on his face he ran over to Angelique and jumped on the bed. "Woah cowboy. Good morning"she greeted. Pushing away the sunken feeling in her chest.

Downstairs Zaxin sat silently around the kitchen table alomg with Nana who was busy making coffee while huming some lullaby. "where's your mind boy?" Nana asked Zaxin who just sat there staring at the table. "No where I can't handle it nana"  "Don't tell me that crap!" Zaxin frowned looking at nana. She looked worked up and upset. *How can it upset her so much because I don't want to talk* Zaxin wonderd to himself. As if Nana read his thoughts she quickly walked to the front door , grabbed her handbag and called for Duncan to join her on her road trip.

"What's wrong?" Angelique asked quite worried when she saw Zaxin sat at the table,his eyes only a but swollen and red asif he wiped away some tears. "Nothing" he replied. Angelique turned around and went into the living room jumping onto the sofa and wishing that she knew what was going on. Since this morning she woke up it all felt like a nightmare. Her mind was blocked  and her heart confused. 

She sat in the living room and started to hear crying, the sound broke her for he wasn't one to ever cry. She gatherd up her guts, he already pushed her away but yet she got up and went over to him. He didn't look her in the eye. He couldnt. The pain was to great for him but she didnt knew it.  She sat next to him and held him even tho he couldn't even glance in her direction.  "Just go Angelique" he hissed. She stood up and ran, crying all the way. Locked herself in her room and listened to her own sobs. Listened to Zaxin asking God why couldnt he just die. Why did all have to happen to him. Why did he needed to leave home on a young age. Yes things where fine between him and his mom but before his step-father died nothing was okay. He started pushing walls. Screaming to the world as if he was tired of hiding his feelings,he was tired of being strong.

As he stood and smoked a cigarrete, Angelique bursted out of the door,fury on her face. "You are one hell of a selfish prick!" She shouted at him "You know what we all have struggles, we all have that shit we can't get over but do you see us walking around having outbursts and fucking up everything around you?" Zaxin stood there looking at her, he lit her a smoke, took off his jacket and threw it over her shoulders, but with tears streaming down her face she stood on the porch in the freezing cold weather shivering, but not of the cold but of the anger. She had the urge to beat Zaxin, and to be honest she knew she had lost all sanity.

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