Glad I came- Nathan Sykes Fanfic

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I opened my eyes as I felt a cold breeze run down my body. It was my first morning in a different country, different town, different room. Nothing was familiar yet I was strangely calm. It took me a little time to adjust that I wasn't in my own bed. As my feet touched the floor my mind was desperately craving for a decent cup of coffee.

My name is Carla and it was my first day in London and I was just starting college. I've moved here the day before yesterday from Croatia to start in the University of London. It is hard adjusting to everything since I've left all my friends and family back home and I was all alone here. It felt both exciting and frightening.

Since I hadn't bought any food as I moved in my own apartment yesterday I decided to go to a Starbucks down the street to grab some coffee and a little something to eat. I put on some plain ''boyfriend'' jeans and a white t-shirt, grabbed my sunglasses and my bag and locked the door of the apartment behind me. As I appeared on the street I felt the fresh air and the sun on my face. It calmed the anxiety in me slightly. I put my earphones in and put my iPod on shuffle. After a brief fifteen minutes of walking I reached the Starbucks and went inside.

''Hello, what would you like?'' the waitress asked politely

''Just a cappucino and a croissant, please.''

''Here you go, that'll be 3.99 miss.''

''Thank you!'' I said as she handed me the change.

It was starting to get a little rainy and as I didn't have an umbrella or a jacket I just decided to stay in the coffee shop. I sat in the corner and checked out if I had any new messages. My Twitter was blowing up from messages of my friends back home asking if I'm fine and how's everything here. I replied at all of them and put my phone down. I ate my croissant and played with the cup of coffee in my hand as I didn't quite know what to do with myself. My phone lit up as I got a message and so did my face when I saw that it was from my best friend back home.

From: Mia <3- ''How's it going there mate? I already miss you loads, call me when you can. M xxx''

A smile spread over my face almost immediately.

To: Mia <3- ''Everything's fine mate, it's weird without you. I'll call you soon. Love, C xx''

In the moment I raised my head I saw someone enter the coffee shop. I could only see his back and he was giving some girls autographs. Not really bothered by who it was I returned to scrolling on my Twitter. As he turned around our eyes met and I recognized him. It was Nathan Sykes from The Wanted.

Glad I came- Nathan Sykes Fanfic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now