Gloucester's best export

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''Attention passengers, we have landed. You may now get off the plane and pick up your luggage.''

After an hour of flying, I mean really, an hour, we could've just taken the car, we were finally here. As soon as we took the luggage we went outside and I was instantly hit by the fresh Gloucester air. The airport was much smaller than Heathrow in London, it reminded me of croatian airports.

Nathan rented a car, black sleek Range Rover, like the one he has in London and we drove to his mum's house. The car ride took about 30 minutes but it went by fast. We were just singing to the radio and laughing the whole time. I even forgot what I was nervous about. Well up until we reached his street. We parked the car in the drive way and took our luggage from the boot. When we ringed the doorbell, Jess was the one who opened the door. She seemed quite excited and enveloped me in a hug right away.

''It's so nice to see you guys!'' she said as she pulled away from me with the biggest smile on her face.

''It's good to finally see you too Jess.'' I said returning the smile.

''I've missed you dear brother!''

Nathan just laughed: ''I missed you too sis!''

When we were done exchanging hugs Jess sent us in the living room. We sat down on the dark blue sofa in front of the TV and I was just trying to take everything in. The room was quite spacey and it was decorated really nice, lots of picture frames all over the place with Nathan and Jess. A little piano in the corner made the whole atmosphere even better, I don't really know why. It was really a family house. My train of thoughts was interrupted.

''Hello kids! You're finally here!'' Nathan's mum walked into the room and said as she gave Nathan a hug.

I didn't really know how to act, whether to shake her hand and introduce myself or to hug her. Maybe a hug would be too much. I just stood up and took a few steps towards her and her boyfriend/partner. While I was still wrapping my mind around what to do she hugged me and it felt comfortable from the first second. I gladly returned the hug and from the corner of my eye I could even see Nathan smiling at us.

''Karen, it's nice to finally meet you. Nathan talkes about you a lot.''

''Well I'm glad I finally got to meet you too. I've heard so much about you darling! Anyway, are you hungry? I made lunch, go to the kitchen.''

After that we all went to the kitchen and sat around the big dining table, Nathan next to me, Jess and Karen opposite of me and Harry at the front of the table. Karen really outdid herself for lunch, the table was full of delicious food.

''Chicken and grinders are my favourite! I didn't know you eat it here in the UK, I never saw anyone.'' I said excitedly and Nathan and Karen just exchange glances and smile.

''Actually, Nathan had told me it's your favourite because I wanted to do something special for you.''

''Seriously Nath?! That's so nice of you, thank you but you didn't have to do this.''

''My mum is a people pleaser.'' Nath laughs and we all carry on eating.

But seriously, this was so unbelieveably nice of her. After the lunch we all sat in the living room, talking and me getting to know them better. His whole family was so nice! They made me feel like I was back home with my loved ones, and that's the first time I felt something like this since I came to the UK.

Nathan and I decided to take a walk so he can show me the town. It was getting a bit chilly out so I dressed in light denim jeans, a navy blue plain long sleeved shirt and my brown leather jacket. I put on some brown ankle boots and take my casual brown purse. I guess you can say I like brown.

Glad I came- Nathan Sykes Fanfic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now