Lights, camera, action!

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So once again we're interrupted, this time by Tom who is very clearly showing how awkward this moment is. Well we didn't bother closing the door, so I guess I should've expected this.

''How does this happen every fucking time.'' I scoff and jump down from the sink, grabbing my clothes.

''Should we take it as a sign?'' Nathan laughs as we both get dressed.

I laugh too, but it makes me think. Could it be that all the interruptions indeed are a sign? But of what.. that I'm not ready to be intimate with Nathan? That it's to early for this? That he's not right for me? That this is all wrong?

If you ever need a lesson on how to drive yourself crazy, ask me, I'm a pro at it.


We get to the studio, where our video shooting is going to be held and I'm immediately sent to hair and make up while the boys are getting dressed. 

The crew is really nice to me and they aren't letting me see how I look until they're finished with me- their words exactly. And don't get me wrong, I like the pampering. I had my nails, hair and make up done by professional people who really know their stuff.

''Okay, you can look now, love.'' the hairdresser says while the make up artist, the designer for my outfit and even my manicurist all gather around.

I slowly open my eyes only to be utterly and completely in shock. I look good, even hot I'd say. The dress flatters my body perfectly and still manages to surprise me even tough I've tried it on before. My make up in brown smokey eyes and light pink lips. My nails a powder pink colour and my hair, oh my God my hair is ah-mazing. It's curled up in a Beyonce-natural-curls manner and it looks just amazing.

Absolutely speachless I just hug everyone and when I'm done I turn around only to be met by the boys with their jaws dropped to the floor.

''You're gonna catch flies boys.'' I wink and it makes them flinch.

We're told what to do and to act natural so we all take our positions. Nathan playing the piano, Tom on the guitar, Max on the mic on one side and Jay, Siva and I on the other side with me inbetween them.

Basically we're just shot in the studio singing and just chillin and messin' with eachother. This time I don't freeze, I'm much more comfortable around mics and cameras now.

It's a really fun shoot because the boys can't stay professional for more than a minute straight.

When it's my time to sing I close my eyes and sing with a smile on my face, giving into the song.

The next moment I'm upside down on Jay's shoulder. The idiot is running around the studio with me screaming- ''I GOT HER''. I can't even, geez Jay. Once he puts me down we have a lunch break and let me tell you, I'm fucking starving.

''Holden calm down, there's enough food, no need to take everything at once.''

''Shut up Tom, I'm starving.''

''No worry of this one getting manipulated by the media.'' Max winks and we all laugh.

He's right tough, I'm not the kind you can push around. I stand up for myself even if it means standing alone against everyone. I'll never do anything if I don't feel that it's the right thing to do and no one can make me do different.

When we return to the shoot they tell us that we're singing the entire song one more time but everyone can stand or sit where they want to so I make my way over to the piano and sit on top of it. When it's my time to sing, Scooter signalizies me to stand on top of the piano. Shit, this is high up, and I'm a little fobic. But it all turns out great and I think it's gonna be a good video. We call it a wrap and by this time I'm really tired and just want to go home and sleep. As soon as I get home I fall flat on my bed and close my eyes, drifting away to my dream land.

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