Surprise, surprise!

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After my lunch with Nathan freaking Sykes I came home with no idea what to do. It was half 7 p.m. and I was curled up with a blanket and a box of ice cream in front of the TV. I decided to call my best friend back home and see what's new in my home country.

The phone rang once, twice, three times before the answering machine picked up. I sighed.

''Hey, it's me. I've got so much to tell you!! Also, I miss you loads. Call me when you can, love you.''

I left a voice message and prayed that she'd call me as soon as possible. I missed her so much, I missed all of my friends and my family. Mia and I liked to call ourselves eachothers soulmates because we were indeed like ones. We knew everything about eachother and had a great friendship, nobody knows me quite like she does. I missed my other better halfs too, like Martha and Thea for example. Those girls ment so much to me and it was way too weird being without them in a different country. It made me a bit sad and nostalgic but I had to fight the feeling.

Although the lunch with Nathan was great, I was still very sceptic. I know his kind, he's famous so he thinks that every girl can be his. But why choose me? I'm hardly the best there is. He seemed nice and down to earth but that isn't necesserely the real him, it can easily be an act. I'm a really guarded person, I've had my share of fake friends and a love gone very wrong so it made me realize that there aren't many people you can trust. It took 2 years of real friendship with my girls for me to truly open up to them, and I'm glad I did. I don't plan on getting hurt again so people who want to be close to me have to wait a fair amount of time.


I woke up in the most uncomfortable position there is on the couch. My legs were on the rest of the couch but the other half of my body was turned to the TV and my head was nearly on the floor. How the hell did I manage to fall asleep like this?! I stood up and streched all my muscles for 5 minutes straight. I wasn't even aware of what time it was until I accidentaly looked at the clock and saw that it was 10 a.m. Shit. I slept through 3 of my lectures already. Well there was no point in going to the University for just two lectures, might as well stay at home then. And so I did. I ate some cereal for breakfast and had my morning cup of coffee. I was just about to get a shower when my phone rang. I looked to see the called ID and it was Nathan freaking Sykes. I told him I'm in school 'til one, what's he a mind reader now or what? I picked it up after it'd rang about 6 times in my hand.

''Hello?'' I said as I sat down on the bed.

''Hey, it's Nathan!'' he was quite cheerful.

''I have your number, you know.'' I laughed.

''Oh yeah, right, sorry.'' he was adorable while trying to excuse himself. Shit, what did I just think? Stop it, he's not adorable, you're delusional. ''Anyway..'' he continued..

''I've got a plan for today so are you free in half an hour?''

''Ummm.. Yeah, I am, what'd you have in mind?''

''I'll pick you up then, it's a surprise.'' Oh gosh I love surprises, I wonder what it is. Oh yay, a suprise. I was so happy, much like a child on Christmas Eve. I really really loved surprises.

''Sure, see you then! Bye!''

I put the phone down and jumped around the room out of joy. I decided to get a shower and I also needed to wash my hair. After stepping out of the shower with a towel around me I let my hair loose to dry on itself. I had natural beachy waves and I really liked them so I almost never blow dried my hair. What to wear, what to wear? I put my music on quite loud and I plunked through my closet. I decided on some plain blue jeans, a grey preppy hoodie and some converse to top it all off. I made my make up light, a little mascara and blush. I tied the top half of my hair in a little ponytail, just to keep my hair away from my eyes, it always bothered me. I put all my necessary things in my other bag which was a bit more casual and took a bottle of water.

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