Best feeling in the world

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''You heard me, you're singing this as a duet with us.'' Tom's voice leaves me speechless.

Good thing I was already sitting down 'cause if I weren't I'm sure I'd be visiting the hospital once again due to passing out. He can't be serious? I know I can sing but I can't sing that well and I sure as hell can't sing with them. Although I know there's no point on arguing with them I feel the need to try it anyway. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

''I'm not doing it. No way. Nah-ah.'' I shake my head aggresively.

''You do know that there's no point in arguing, we all know you'll do it.'' Tom laughs and I don't find it very amusing. This is a big deal. I look at my feet without saying a word and they take it as a yes. Next thing I know is they're taking a break and Nathan asks to speak with me alone, I nod my head in agreement and we head out to the lounge area. I sit myself down on yet another leather sofa and play with the hem of my shirt. Nathan takes the seat next to me and turns to face me taking my hand in his.

''You need to relax, there's no need to be so nervous.'' his soft voice breaking the silence between us, taking me out of my thoughts.

''I'm not nervous, I'm teriffied.'' my eyes still looking at my feet.

''Relax.. You can do this, it's not hard.'' as he says this my hand escapes from his making it's way through my hair and finally both of my hands are holding my head as I'm trying to calm my mind down. Before I have time to speak Max comes to us and says that the break is over and we head to the studio.

The boys ask if I'm alright and I reply with a small smile. By now I calmed down and was ready to do this, well, as ready as I could be. I took my jacket off as it was getting really hot in there, or was it just the nervousness kicking in? First one in the recording booth, well, recording room was Siva and I was just standing behind the guy at the sound table, you know the one with a lot of buttons, and examinating the tall Irish boys. He really did have the best cheek bones in the world and his hair was always perfectly styled. Jay was next and apparently I was after him. My palms were already sweating and my heart beat was racing like crazy. I tried taking deep breaths to calm myself, Nathan noticed this and came from behind me, placing his hand around my shoulder, making small circles with his fingers on my left arm.

''Do you want me to go in with you?''

''No, it's fine, I can do it by myself.''

I kept on convincing myself that I am ready and before I know it, Jay is out and my legs move on their own, leading me to the recording room. My stomach feels butterflies, the moment makes me feel both excited and frightened. I put the headphones on my head and take a step forward to be closer to the mic. The lyrics in front of me and I was singing the bridge in my head.

''I'm gonna play the music and you sing when your line comes, relax and don't think about it too much, you're gonna be great.'' the sound guy reasurres me and winks giving a small smile, I smile back and turn my gaze to Nathan who's talking to Tom.

The music plays and I miss the first line because it's only the first time I hear the sound. The second time around I sing it mumbling to myself. Nobody is telling me anything, they're just letting me grab my cool and get comfortable. I start breathing heavily and my heart beating as fast as ever and I think they notice this. The next moment Nathan's opening the door of the room and his arms are around my neck, holding me tight. I hug him around his middle and my body shaking, I place my head on his chest letting his heartbeat calm me. After a few minutes I pull back, feeling my anxiety reducing.

''You okay?'' I hear the worry in his voice.

''I... I don't know what came over me, I'm so sorry.'' I was so ashamed by my behaviour. ''I'm ready to do it again.''

Glad I came- Nathan Sykes Fanfic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now