Ordinary day

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*Carla's P.O.V.*

I'm awaken up by someone nudgeing me slightly and I struggle to open my eyes. My eyelids feel like they're made out of iron, extremly heavy. My head is pounding and my entire body aches. I already know I'm hungover as hell. And it seems like it's the worst hangover in my life.

''Fuck off.'' I scoff at the person who's trying to wake me up from my precious sleep.

''C'mon, breafast's ready.'' the familiar Nottingham accent informs me.

Wait what?

He closes the door to my room, well, this room and I struggle to open my eyes for a couple of seconds. The bright light from the windows instantly blinds me and I groan in frustration. I don't recognize the room I'm in and nothing is familiar. I must be in the lads' apartment but, who's room is this? I sit down and pull the covers off of me, my feet now touching the cold floor. I notice I'm just in my underwear but I guess I totally blacked out last night as I remember nothing after Nathan carrying me.

I take a look around the room to find my clothes and notice that they're on the floor next to a dressor. I drag myself over to the spot, my legs barely moving. Just as I bend over to pick up my leggings and my top, a rough morning voice startles me from behind.

''Nice view.''

I turn around only to be met by Nathan covered with just a towel. Damn. This boy is bringing sexy back.

''A little hungover, are we?'' he smiles at me and I just groan not even bothered by the fact that I'm still in just my underwear.

''What happened last night, I feel like I'm dead, or dying?''

''You were wasted and barely walking so I carried you and you fell asleep instantly. When we came back here I put you in my bed and you stood up, mumbling something about how hot it is and you took off your clothes and went to sleep.''

''Wait, you were as wasted as I was, why are you this well rested and not hungover at all?''

''I'm a guy, I handle hangovers better.'' he winks and it makes me give him a death glare. He's a guy? Great excuse there.

I take a quick shower in his bathroom and he gives me his shirt so I put it on, as well as my leggings from last night. After the shower I feel much better but my head is still a mess. Arriving in the kitchen, everyone is seated around the table, drinking their coffee and tea. There are freshly baked pancakes and I have no idea where they came from. The boys don't strike me as cooking experts. I help myself to the biggest cup of coffee I could and just sit on the table, opposite of Tom who was already digging deep into his pancakes.

''I feel like throwing up when I see you eat.'' I say to Tom and it earns a laugh from everyone. But seriously, my stomach was flipping inside my body at the sight of him shoving it all in his mouth.

''Come on, eat something, it'll be good for you.'' Siva says handing me a plate with some pancakes on it already. I just give him a small smile and put some chocolate sirup on them. The boys chat about work and I'm not really paying attention to them.

Their little conversation is interrupted by my phone ringing. Who the fuck is it now?! I take a look at the caller ID and see an unfamiliar number which makes me fringe almost instantly.

''Who is this?!'' I ask unpationatly.

''Wow, feisty even in the morning, are we Holden?'' Only two guys call me by my last name, and one is shoving pancakes down his throat in front of me. Pretty obvious that it's Callum on the other side of the line.

''What do you want?'' I'm not really in the mood for jokes.

''Fancy meeting up for coffee later on? We should talk about the assigment.''

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