Something Different

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" Mya Wells".

Cheers and claps came from every inch of the football field. It was graduation day . I walked across the stage in my black stilettos and shook hands with my principle and two other phony teachers. I smiled and let duchess take my picture. She begged me to let her come to my graduation, otherwise I would of sent her straight to school. I looked over and smiled harder, Maverick was here and he was taking my picture as well.

We been talking for nine months now, guess you can call it a relationship, my first relationship. I walked backed to my chair and reminisced about the pass couple of months.

I always struggled and been hard core my whole life because of my mom and living condition, but Maverick made me look past that. He made me feel special, he's breaking down my wall I build so strong through out the years.

" Class of 2013!". Everyone yelled in unison. Everyone threw up there hate except me, I wanted to give of to my sister, show her where she will be in 5 more years.

I walked up to my boyfriend and little sister. Damn it felt good to finally say that. My boyfriend. I looked up and kissed his brown full lips. My sister Hugs me real tight and showed me the picture she took. My shiny shoulder length hair gleamed in the photo. My eyes looked like they were smiling. My brown skinned glowed.

" I love it".


As Maverick car pulled up to my apartment bulking, I seem my mom on the stoop. Her hair was uncombed and eyes sunken and round. Her dirty pink spaghetti strapped dress was tattered and three sized too big. Her black flip flops showed off her un-manicured toes. she looked around aimlessly while the other dope heads walked around. All of them had the same sunken look.

" I'll walk you to your door". Maverick said. He unbuckled his seatbelt to get out.

" No no, we'll be okay. Come on Duchess". I looked back at my sister.

" Are you sure? It's okay with me. I told you I don't judge". He sat alert in the passenger side.

"Were fine". I said exiting the car. " Really. See you tomorrow though?". Ugh, talking to this boy is making me soft.

"Yea, Round 7:00, see you beautiful". He kissed my hand and waved at douchess. " I'll see you as we'll I presume."

" Yep, you know it". She smiled and continue walking up the stairs.

"Bye" I walked away with the flowers and balloons in hand. " Hey sweet heart.." A dope Fein walked near me.

"Fuck out my face! Don't talk to me". I kept walking to my destination. I hate that I lived in the projects, this shit was making me mad.

But the only thing that was on my mind that was seeing Maverick tomorrow.

"Dear god, you brought someone special in my life. Thank you." I thought to myself.

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