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Chapter 16

Saundra has just came over for one of our girl times. I had just got off the phone with Cindy when Saundra walked into my room with junk food and cans of Pepsi. Good think I go for a run in the morning.

"You always talking to that girl". Saundra sat next to me and spread out all the junk on my bed. I picked up a Reece's cup.

"Do I hear jealousy in your voice?". I smirked but actually I was a bit confused. Since when did Saundra ever have a problem with me being on the phone with Cindy?

"NO!". She threw a chip bag at me and we broke into giggles.

I turned on the T.V, White Chicks was on. We sat there laughing and shaking our heads.

I felt Saundra coming closer towards me but I didn't think anything of it, I thought maybe she was cold or whatever, but she had different intentions.

Saundra kissed my cheek. I wiped my cheek and turned to say something but as I was turning, Saundra lips met mine.

I didn't feel anything really, there was no spark or no butterflies people usually describe when they kiss someone they love. Maybe because I didn't love her, she was just my friend. Then again maybe because I felt I had no feelings.

I didn't push her away, I can't answer why, I'm not gay or bisexual. I just let her kiss me.

I didn't notice that I was laying down or that she was I top of me. How the fuck did we get this way?

I pushed her head up and she starred down at me. "Relax Mya. Let me do my thing and make you feel good".

"I'm not into woman".

"I'm not either, but I'm into you". And with that she kissed me again. Still no feeling. She continued to kiss me all down my face and unto my chest, licking my tattoo and pulling up my shirt.

The whole time I laid their looking up at the ceiling. I wanted to stop her because this didn't feel right, honestly it didn't feel like anything. I was numb to it. But then again I didnt mind bussing a nut and if she was giving I was taking. I hoped after the whole thing was done she wouldn't expect for me to return the favor. There was no way I was going down on her.

Before I could even react, Saundra's tongue was dancing on my clitoris. How the hell she get my pants off so fast?

That's when the butterflies started. She was giving me feelings I never felt before,not emotionally, but physically. Rodney never went down on me.

Saundra gripped my thighs and brought me closer to her face. She closed her mouth and started humming like she was singing.

I gripped her hair around my fist and raised my hips to her face. She was teasing me and I hated it, I just wanted to come, I didn't want this to keep going any longer.

Sensing my frustration, she rubbed her whole face around my vagina. My back arched and I allowed myself to climax on her chin. She looked up at me with a grin, her whole face was wet and she was licking her lips.

"You made me miss some of the movie". I said plainly.

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