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Chapter 10

I stood in front of my bathroom mirror and twisted my locks. A few days after Duchess funeral I cut off all my permed hair and let my hair grow into dreads. They were my natural brown color with a tint of blonde. I played with them and massaged African oil on my scout. I walked to my room, the whole house was dark, love didn't live here anymore.

I tied my dreads into a bun and put bobby pens all around to keep them from falling out of place. I dried off my body lightly and let the rest air dry. I sat at the edge of my bed with my feet propped up on Rodney's chest. I touched the smooth leather surface and held back the tears. Two people I cared about in the world were snatched from me and one I let go. I thought about all the reasons I had to live for and came up with nothing. What was my purpose here on earth? I had none. Who do I have to live for? No one. Where is the love? There is none.

Rodney had a shot gum in his chest. I toyed with the idea of taking it out and putting it against my temple. It would be so easy, no more stress, no more night mares, no more feeling lonely. I couldn't hold the tears any longer. I fell back on my bed with my arms apart and let the tears fall were they may. I tried to live for Duchess, I tried to keep going for her, but everything I loved left me. I went into fetal position, holding my knees close to my chest. I could smell the light scent of peppermint from my body. I zoned out and let my mind wander to something I wanted to forget.

" Mya!" I woke up to Maverick screaming my name from the top of his lungs. My head throbbed from hitting it on the floor, dried up throw up stuck to my cheeks. The floor was cold.

" Mya! Open the door please". Maverick begged. Did he really think I was gonna open the door for his ass? I got up while holding my head. Everything was spinning, it wasn't any better that this dude was screaming my name.

" Fuck! Where's the key?". My eyes grew big when I heard that. I looked all over the bathroom to figure out what I could use to defend myself. Then I noticed a laundry shoot straight ahead of me. I remembered when Maverick showed me his basement, there was a underground garage and a big hamper usually filled with clothes.

I ran and opened the little door, I dove right in head first when I heard the door lock being tampered with. I closed my eyes and fell right into the hamper filled with clothes like I seen before.

" Where are you Mya?!". Shit! He was in the bathroom. I thought about going to the kitchen, getting the biggest knife I could find and slicing his ass but decided against it. The garage door was open, I thanked my lucky stars and ran.

I must've been a track star that day because I never stopped running until I seen another mansion near by. I ran straight to the big brass doors and knocked fiercely, looking behind me all the while.

" Please help me! He killed my sister". I broke down when I said 'sister'. The butler, an older tall, white gentlemen rushed me in and locked the doors.

That was fithteen years ago. My eyes continued to burn from the tears. I got up from my bed and pumped Nivea lotion into my hands. I smoothed it over my skin evenly and slipped on my cotton panties and bra, I was still a C-cup. I went to my closet and took out my Adidas black jump suit with pink splits down the leg and the arms of the matching jacket. I dressed quickly but neatly. I was careful to pull my black tank top over my head. I walked to my closet and slid on my black and white addida sneakers. I seen Cindy's black Acura beams flash against my brick home through my window. She honked her horn twice. I walked to the bathroom and washed the traces of tears from my face. I pulled on my jacket and walked down the stairs. I grabbed my black duffle bag and walked out the door. Show time.

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