s i x t e e n

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Sorry if it's a little long to update, as you can see I was on a holiday.

Mind you not I bought you present, here is a picture of the view there!

Mind you not I bought you present, here is a picture of the view there!

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It's Japan btw if you haven't know.



Tia's POV

It was already 10 pm when I arrived first at the hotel, but I didn't notice how far of a journey it was, maybe because I slept along the way. Even if this night starts off with a good step, it ended badly.

Never have I thought that life would be so cruel.

I took the lift and went to my floor, even though the lights are still on, it felt so dark, so gloomy. The view from the glass lift reflected all the lights coming off from the centre of Cali.

Nights here in Cali were supposed to be fun, were supposed to end at 12 am, not 10 pm! I could still see colorful lights coming out from bars, parties, and pubs. Oh how I wonder what my friends are doing right now.

Exiting the lift and taking a left, I walked through the corridor; the carpets are so fluffy I could literally walk without any footwear. I reached my room and opened my purse, inserting the card to open the door.

I was welcomed with the darkness that I thought was about to consume me, before I turned on the lights. Closing the door with my foot, I threw my purse to the bed but it ended up useless since it bounced and fell to the floor.

Dropping myself to the bed, I found myself very tired and wish to instantly go to sleep. But I know that's not a nice decision since I still have everything on. Except for my dignity. Woops.

I dragged myself towards the bathroom, and of course, was welcomed with the very large mirror in front of me. But that wasn't the one that made me shock, it was the lady in front of me.

I couldn't hold back a gasp coming out from my mouth, "Oh my gosh,"

Slowly I took a step closer towards the mirror, looking at myself from up and down. I'm a wreck.

My hair clearly found a new way to mess up by itself, my dress are wrinkled in many parts with some dirt I got from the garden. And my face, I cursed at myself for not wearing waterproof mascara. I didn't realize the damage it made, even if it's not like a black waterfall, it still destroyed the image I wanted to give. Strong.

Clearly I wasn't.

I hurriedly cleaned off every make up I wore that night and changed into my sleeping wear. My phone clearly was in an off state, since I don't want anyone to annoy me.

The bed dunked down since I sat on the edge, as I tried to remember everything that has happened to me. I remembered I was silently sitting inside my comfort zone, where nothing ever happens.

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