Ladybug's Begining: Part 1

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"Marinette Dupain-Cheng you are going to be late! Get out of bed!" My mother shouted.

"Mmm...." I mumbled as I covered my head with my pillow. Slowly, I opened my eyes and blinked the sleep away. Lifting my head up, I saw the clock. '7:57 am' it read.

"GAH!" I screamed. I threw away the soft covers and jumped out of bed. Quickly, I grabbed my leotard and tights and ran to the bathroom. I changed as fast as I could, but by the time I got out the clock flashed 8:07. My phone buzzed with text from Alya.

"Where are you?" one said.
"Get over here, class is starting!" said another.

I ran over to the desk my phone was laying on, but tripped over my sweatpants, which I was pulling up over my tights. Fumbling with the password, I finally unlocked the phone and responded, "Running late, be there soon! Ask the teacher to hold class for me!"

"Marinette!" My mother shouted up the stairs.

"Coming!" I responded as I ran down the stairs, pulling my jacket on to my arms.

I grabbed my dance bag, which had been pre-place by my mother at the door, and was about to run out when my mother grabbed my arm and sat me down in the chair at the kitchen table.

"I will not let my daughter go out the door without breakfast!" she said, pinching my cheeks and smiling at me.

"Mom!" I said, pushing her hands away. She placed a bowl of cereal, a croissant, and a glass of vanilla protein shake in front of me. I started eating the food as fast as I could, not wanting to be any later than I already am.

"I checked the class roster, and guess who's in your class again." My mother said.

I dropped my spoon mid scoop. "Not Chloé!" I screamed in distain.

"Oh come on darling, it can't be that bad! Maybe she'll be nicer this year!"

"You haven't met her..." I massaged my temples, already getting a head ache from the memories of the reading and name calling from last summer...

"Come on come on eat up!" My mother encouraged, "You're already late!"

The clock read 8:17 am.

"AH!" I screamed. I scooped a few more spoonfuls of cereal into my mouth and ran to the door, grabbing my dance bag on my way. "Bye mom!" I mumbled through a mouthful of cereal.


I ran up to the giant building, holding onto my dance bag to keep it from falling off my shoulder.

The marquee letters glowed in the soft morning light, spelling out, "les papillons de danse", or, "the dancing butterflies". It was a cheesy name, but the owner of the chain had a thing for butterflies I guess.

I heard a moan and turned to my right. An old man had tripped and fallen over the curb! I ran over and helped him up.

"Thank you young lady." He said as I helped him get to his feet and handed him his cane. He was wearing a red Hawaiian patterned shirt and his grey hair looked like it had retreated from his hair line long ago. He bore a Chinese style mustache and beard that I found familiar, since most of my distant relatives had a similar one.

"No problem." I said with a smile, "Sorry to bother, but do you have the time, sir?"

"Yes," the man looked at his watch, "It's 8:37am."

"I'M SO LATE!" I screamed, "Sorry sir but I have to go!" I waved as I ran back to the dance studio.

Running into the building, I asked the lady at the front desk which studio the summer advanced was in.

Dance With Me: Miraculous Ladybug Breakdance AUWhere stories live. Discover now