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My alarm blared in my ears.

"Mphh..." I muffled into my pillow. I turned my head and pried my eyes open, looking at the flashing numbers.

'6:00 am' it said.

That's weird. My alarm is always set to go off at 7:00 am.

Did I set it to go off at this time for some reason? Or was it a glitch?

Eh, whatever. Whatever I wanted to wake up for couldn't have been important.

I slammed the snooze button and went back to sleep....


Theo Barbeau bounced on his heels anxiously, standing next to the sheet that covered his latest painting on the wall of club miraculous. He suck on his lollipop nervously. A small crowd had gathered for the unavailing of the painting, but not many, since Ladybug and Chat Noir had requested that the unveiling of the painting celebrating the first entry in the "Club Miraculous Champions Hall of Fame" was revealed before the class in the studio above started.

Suddenly light flowed through the door at the top of the stairs.

Theo stood in awe...

But it was only Chat Noir.

The boy slid down the railing and landed at the bottom on the stairs, striking a pose for the crowd as they cheered. Chat Noir walked over to Theo with swagger.

"Has my Lady arrived yet?" He asked, leaning his hand against the wall.

Theo frowned, "Ladybug isn't here yet."

"Eh, she'll be here." Chat said, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall, "She and I always end up together."

Theo frowned and crossed his arms, waiting.


They waited until it was 15 minutes before the class above started. The crowd started to dwindle.

"I don't think she's coming," said DJ N, "Maybe we should present the painting without her..."

"Please," Theo begged, "Just a few more minutes."

"Sorry bro, we gotta get this underway," the DJ said. He turned on the mic and shouted into it, "HELLO CLUB MIRACULOUS!"

The crowd shouted in reply. The DJ winked at a girl holding her phone up, recording the event.

"Thanks to our special guest, Theo Barbeau, we are proud to present, the first entry into our Champions Hall of Fame, this painting of Ladybug and Chat Noir!"

Theo pulled the sheet off of the painting, revealing it to the crowd. The likeness of Ladybug and Chat Noir posing in breakdancing positions showed on the canvas.

The crowd applauded, then they started to go up the stairs.

DJ N slapped him on the shoulder with praise, "Good job art dude, it looks great!" he said. He ran up the stairs, calling for Chat Noir to follow.

"I'll be up in a minute." He said.

Theo looked up at the picture solemnly.

Chat placed an elbow on his shoulder, as if they were best friends.

"It's a really good painting dude," Chat said, "but one thing is off, I'm taller than Ladybug."

Theo sighed, "I just wanted to show her my adoration, but she didn't show up."

Chat's eyes widened. "Woah um," he said awkwardly, taking his arm off of Theo's shoulder, "You know we're like, a thing right?"

This time Theo's eyes widened, "You're a... what?"

Dance With Me: Miraculous Ladybug Breakdance AUWhere stories live. Discover now