The Evillustrator

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I actually made it to class on time that day. I sat my bag down next to Alya's as Ms. Bustier clapped her hands to get her students' attention.

"Okay students!" She announced, "Today we are having some very special guests, art students from France's national institute for the arts!"

The class clapped politely as the students filed in, their teacher leading them.

"Good morning dancers." Said the art teacher, "My name is Ms. Mendeleiev, and these are my students," the tall, purple haired woman said, motioning to her line of students, all of them carrying a giant sketch pad and pencils, "We will be drawing each of you as you dance today."

All the dancers clapped politely once again.

Ms. Bustier walked over to the stereo, "Alright students lets give these young artists something worth drawing!"

She turned on the music and we lined up at the barres.


The artists drew us all as we danced, each of them looking up occasionally and changing their subject.

As we finished barre and started across the floor, I noticed one of the art students was particularly noticing me.

He had bright red hair and a similar colored shirt with a black symbol on it. He had a grey jacket over top of it, and was wearing jeans and a brown belt. He was drawing with a pen, occasionally looking up and catching a look at me.

Ms. Mendeleiev walked over to the red haired boy's chair and looked at his drawings. She sighed.

"Nathanaël," she said, obviously annoyed, "you were supposed to be drawing each of the dancers," she pulled the sketch book out of his hands, "not just repeated drawings of yourself with... that one." She said exasperated, looking at me.

The class have out a collective oooooh as if we were in a first grade classroom and someone just got in trouble. I felt myself blush. I turned my eyes to the floor.

Nathanaël, the boy, started blushing too. He snatched the sketch book out of the teacher's hand and grabbed the rust of his things, cradling them in his arms clumsily.

"HA HA!" Chloé laughed, "He must be extremely desperate to have a crush on Marinette!"

The class laughed as the boy, turned his head to the floor, looking as though he was about to cry. He ran out the door of the classroom.

I felt bad for the poor boy, no one should be laughed at for having a little crush....

Ms. Bustier clapped her hands to silence the laughter of both the dance and art students. "That's enough," she said, "back to work everyone."

We want on with class.


Nathanaël ran outside of the studio and bolted down the block, wiping tears from his eyes. He reached an old abandoned building and sat down in its shadow, throwing his art supplies down at his side. He put his head in his hands, sighing deeply.

He looked down at his art supplies and noticed that there was a small purple thing poking out of his sketch book. He grabbed the book and flipped it open to the page the purple thing was on, the same one he had been drawing that beautiful girl on.

He grabbed the purple object and realized it was an envelope, addressed to him. he looked around.

"How could this have gotten here?" he wondered.

He shrugged and ripped open the envelope. It said...

"Dear Evillustrator,
My name is Hawkmoth. I will provide you with the supplies you need to get into a place where your art form will be appreciated. You will impress and win the affections of Marinette, the girl you love. All I ask in return is that you uncover the identities of Ladybug and Chat Noir. Go back to the dance studio and go to the storage closet, all you need will be in there."

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