Ladybug's Begining: Part 2

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Uncertainly, I turned the door knob...

Party music and enthusiastic cheers pounded my eardrums. Down a flight of stairs, I could see strobe lights of bright colors flashing, burning my eyes.

I slowly walked down the stairs, holding onto the railing to make sure I didn't trip in the dark, and when I made it to the bottom I turned and saw a room, crowded with people.

Everyone was wearing baggy pants and crop tops, all in neon colors that glowed in the black lights. They all pumped their fists in the air to the beat of the music that exploded from the giant speakers that sat on top of a stage, on either side of a DJ's turntable. Standing at it was a boy with a red hat and orange headphones, who was playing with the turn tables and making the music louder.

As I popped up onto my tip toes, I noticed that everyone was forming a circle around the main dance floor but, being a short as I am, I couldn't see what they were crowding around.


I could leave now and get home...

Curiosity overwhelmed me.

I gently squeezed myself through the crowd. "Excuse me...Pardon me..." I said shyly, getting some looks from a few people for messing up their party groove.

When I finally got to the inside edge of the circle I saw a boy... breakdancing.

So that's why this place was hidden. Any type dance beside ballet has been banned from our dance studio since... well, as long as it has been open. No one knows why.

Anyway, the boy had messy blond hair, and was wearing a black tank top with a neon green paw print on it. He wore black pants and black shoes with matching neon green laces, along with a black vest that had a hoodie with cat ears on it. I could also see that he had a small golden bell around his neck.

The music came to a stop and the boy posed with swagger. The audience roared with cheers and applause.

"Do we have anyone brave enough to challenge the champ Chat Noir?!?!" The DJ shouted into the mic he was holding.

Chat Noir. That was his name.

"Nobody? Eh?" The DJ said with disappointment in his voice.

"Can't blame 'em." Chat Noir said, shrugging and fixing the gloves on his hands that I didn't notice before, "I'd be scared to go up against-"

"I'm down."

I don't know it just squeaked out.

The crowd filled with taunts and oohs.

Someone pushed me forward, onto the dance floor.

Chat Noir's green eyes filled with awe when he saw me. He had eyeshadow around his eyes like me, but his was in black.

"Aww yeah what's yo name girl?!" The DJ shouted into the mic.

I straightened. Chat Noir said nothing.

I thought about the outfit I was wearing, with its red and black spots, "Call me," I swept a hand through my hair, "Ladybug."

The audience erupted with woops and shouts.

"Here we go everybody!!!" The DJ shouted, pumping the music back up to full blast, "The champion Chat Noir vs. the newcomer Ladybug!!!"

Chat Noir smirked at me as the music got louder, along with the audiences' woops and hollers.

"Ladies first." He said with a flourish of his hand, giving a little bow.

"What do I do?" I asked him, having to shout over the music.

Dance With Me: Miraculous Ladybug Breakdance AUWhere stories live. Discover now