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Authors note:
OH MY GODS I'M SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT! I've had serious writer's block with this one. I hope you like it!


As soon as class was dismissed I ran to Alya.

"Okay, who is this Hawkmoth guy?" I asked as Alya took off her pointe shoes. She knew something about who was convincing these people to break the studio rules and challenge me and Chat, and I needed to know more.

Alya laughed as she put her shoes in her bag, "Why are you so interested?"

"I-um-I... I just wanna know how you convinced the studio's owner to let you back in! Come on!" I pleaded, nudging her in the arm with my elbow, "Tell me!"

Alya zipped her bag and laughed, slinging the bag over her shoulder, "Okay okay!" she said, holding her hands up in surrender, "I'll tell you."


"I don't know who he actually is," Alya said as we walked out of the classroom, "He just sent me a letter and gave me the costume and other supplies I needed to go into Club Miraculous and challenge Ladybug and Chat Noir."

"You challenged break dancers?" I asked, trying to sound shocked. I hissed my voice down to a whisper, "Don't you know you could be expelled from the studio permanently for that?"

"Yes yes I know. But Hawkmoth promised that wouldn't happen, and boy did he come through. He made sure I got back in to the studio, with no wait at all!"

"So Hawkmoth just, supplies people with what they need to challenge Chat Noir and Ladybug?"

"Basically," Alya said, "But he asks for us to reveal the identities of them in return."

"I see," I replied, I needed to tell Chat Noir, "Well, uh, I gotta go, uh, home! So um-"

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Alya said, placing her hands on her hips sassily.

I went through my thoughts, but I couldn't think of anything....

Then it dawned on me.

"Alix and Kim's race!" I shouted.

"There it is." Alya said, laughing.

Alix and Kim were rivals in and out of the studio, and they were always challenging each other to competitions. From who could turn the longest to who could get to the water fountain faster, they were always at each others throats.

Today they were racing down the block and back on roller skates, to see who was fastest.

"Come on girl!" Alya said, grabbing my wrist, "Let's go watch!"

Alya pulled me to the door of the studio and pushed me outside, where a crowd was already gathering, all still holding dance bags and wearing their ballet clothes. We pushed our way into the crowd just as Alix finished tying her roller skates and Kim finsihed his stretches. Kim would be racing on foot, while Alix used her skates.

"You ready to loose Alix?" Kim said as he stood, dwarfing the small pink haired girl.

"Are you hungry?" Alix asked the boy.

"A little," he replied, "Why?"

"Cause you're about to eat my dust!"

The crowd whooped and hollered.

Max, Kim's friend, walked out of the crowd and stood in front of the two racers, "The rules are simple." he announced, "Race down to the lamp post and back to the front of the studio, no checking or shoving allowed. Are you ready to race?!"

Dance With Me: Miraculous Ladybug Breakdance AUWhere stories live. Discover now