Dark Cupid

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A few weeks went by, with the occasional challenge at the club, but my main focus was on the upcoming event on my schedule...

The annual Valentine's day dance class at the studio!!!!

Every year the teachers let the boys pick their partners for a special lesson on ballroom dancing, they decorate the studio with hearts and special lights and it's... It's like, my favorite dance lesson don't judge me.

I woke up bright and early, putting on my ballet clothes and placing my breakdance outfit in the bottom of my bag, though I hoped I wouldn't need it.

I grabbed my phone and texted Alya, "You ready for today?!?!" I asked.

She texted back almost immediately, "You know I am! Promise you won't go all shy if someone asks you to dance?"

"No one is going to ask me Alya."

"You don't know that!"

"And what makes you so optimistic?"

"A little birdy told me that a certain blond boy has been writing poetry about a girl with blue eyes and black hair in our class." She said, adding a few winking emojis next to the message.


"Yes way."


"Okay okay just come over before he changes his mind!" She finished with a bunch of the laugh-cry emoji.

I shoved my phone into my bag and, now dressed in a leotard and tights, put on my grey sweatpants, my pink bedazzled tiara sweatshirt, and my street shoes over top. I slung my bag over my shoulder and ran out the door.


The studio was covered in decorations. There were pink stringed lights adorning the walls along with cute paper hearts the kids in the younger classes had made.

All the girls were talking to each other in their respective friend-groups, occasionally looking over their shoulders to look at the boys, who were talking to each other in their own groups.

I was looking at Adrien.

He was alone on the other side of the room, leaning against the barre and staring at himself in the mirror. He was talking to himself, occasionally wincing and shaking his head in disappointment. I wondered what he was practicing....

"Just go over there and let him ask you." Alya told me.

"Alya no. Nope nope nope. What if he's not thinking about me?" I asked, panicking, "What if he's talking about another girl?!"

"Marinette, look." Alya said, grabbing my shoulders and looking me in the eyes, "What kind of girl did Nino say he was talking about?"

"Wait, you got this information from Nino?"

"Not important, now answer the question."

"...A girl with black hair and blue eyes."

"And how many girls in this class have black hair and blue eyes?"


"And that girl is?"


"So what are you so scared about?!?!"

"...You're right."

"Of course I am." Alya said, letting go of my shoulders and pushing me off the bench we were sitting on, "Now go talk to him!"

With my confidence boosted, I stood up in a scramble. I dusted myself off and took a deep breath. I took one step forward...

Then turned back around and looked at Alya. "Come back me up?"

Dance With Me: Miraculous Ladybug Breakdance AUWhere stories live. Discover now